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{{Requested by: leesbian Ithinkthatstherightperson- lmaoidk-

I decided to make a vampire! Connor oneshot so its Halloweenish :') it's not the best but it's alright- a bit weird, but alright-

Tbh I dont really like this one buT WHATEVS- ITRIEDDDD}}


   It was sometime around midnight at the moment, and (Y/n) let her hand move to flick off the light to her porch outside, signaling that she had no more candy left for the trick-or-treated that were still roaming around at this hour. A small sigh left her lips as she twisted the lock on her front door, before running a hand through her hair while her free one held onto the empty metal bowl. She was exhausted from work already, so having to stay up and pass out candy to children only added on to it. But it was worth it, since she enjoyed seeing at the cute little costumes they wore.

   "Yeet." With a small smile she lazily threw the bowl in a random direction, listening to it clatter on the ground before she made her way to the kitchen in her house, not even bothering to go pick up the bowl she threw. (Y/n) just decided she would have a quick, small snack before she headed off to bed. Maybe some (F/w/d) and cookies would be nice.

   The only sound that could be heard in her house was clattering jars and plastic bottles as she rummaged through her fridge, trying to find the sweet treat she put in there earlier so it could cool down. Finally, she eventually found the cookies and grabbed onto the plate wrapped in plastic wrap, taking it out before bumping her hip against the fridge door to close it.

   A light humming sound came from the (H/c)-nette as she began to make her drink while she let the cookies heat up in the microwave for a couple of seconds. But during that process she swore she heard a sound on top of her roof, making her halt in her tracks as her slim brows furrowed together in confusion. After that however, all she could hear was the beeping from the microwave that signalled her food was done being heated up.

   Simply shrugging it off for now, (Y/n) continued to make (F/w/d), wanting nothing more then to scarf down a couple of cookies, chug her drink, and then go to bed and sleep in the next day. Her boss for some reason let her have the day off, so that was lovely. When she was finished making everything she set the plate of cookies and the steaming cup of (F/w/d) on a sliver tray, so that it was easier to carry back to the living room. But she immediately froze in the doorway leading to the living room, and she could've sworn she saw a pair of brown eyes staring through her window. Or maybe they were a crimson color, she didn't have too long to tell, as it disappeared almost immediately after.

   "I'm going insane..." (Y/n) mumbled to herself with a small chuckle, which held a hint of amusement and nervousness to it. The (H/c)-nette stayed in her spot for a moment, letting her eyes dart all around her house, before her feet padded against the carpet and she made her way over to the couch. "Maybe I'll feel better if I watch (F/m)."

   With that said, she plopped down on her plush couch after having set the silver tray down on the coffee table in front of her. She let her hand reach out to the arm rest and snacth up her remote, her eyes staying glued to the curved TV in front of her as she flickered through the movies she already had to find the one she was looking for. Once she had found it and got the movie started, she sunk back into her couch, just relaxing for a bit as all the nervous thoughts from earlier washed away.

   That's how most of her night went; simply watching a movie until she had eaten all the cookies on the plate and drank all of her (F/w/d), and when the movie ended it was already almost two a.m.. A small yawn left her lips as she turned her TV off, sluggishly forcing herself to stand up from the comfortable position on her couch only to let her arms and legs stretch out.

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