|○|Too Good at Goodbyes Part 4|○|

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At the sound of her name she felt hope once again rising in her chest, but it didn't stop her heart from aching when she still saw that blank look on Connor's face. (Y/n) let go of him and sat up straight, her hands now cupping his face in her hands as tears started to stream down her face again, "Please Connor..." she didn't quite know what she was even pleading for, many things probably. To get her Connor back, for him not to leave her, for him to love her back. The last one made her heart squeeze painfully, and she choked back a small sob, not wanting to start full on sobbing again, "Connor, please..!" Her voice, body language, words, all held desperation in them. (Y/n) couldn't handle the pain she was dealing with right now, so she definitely wouldn't be able to deal with the pain of never seeing Connor again after this.

All she could do was watch as his brown orbs blinked at her, but she only paid attention to the way they shined with many different emotions, letting her know that he was still there, the Connor she knew before. A pained expression went on her face as she wheezed out a small breath, feeling like her insides were tightening when his brown eyes suddenly went back to being blank, like the rest of his face, "Connor..! No! No, no... you can't... you can't l-leave me-me..." She made it sound like he was dying him, when in reality it felt like she was the one dying instead, but on the inside instead of literally. (Y/n)'s head fell to rest on his chest, sobs racking her body while she shook, her whole body now feeling numb to the cold that swished around her. Her hands slipped down from Connor's face and went to his chest as well, gripping tightly onto the expensive material of his jacket, made by the company that was going to take him away from her because of the stupid programming.

Hiccups, sobs, and choked gasps of breath were all sounding from the girl clutching onto Connor for dear life, feeling like her whole world fell apart in his hands. It hurt, it hurt so fucking badly. And that only made (Y/n) cry harder than before. She felt broken like before, that no one could fix her, because a piece of her heart was taken away by the man, or android, she loved. She felt Connor shift in her grasp and she thought that he was going to shove her away like last time. So she squeezed her eyes shut and cried louder, tensing up to prepare herself to impact the hard stone floor. But instead, she was met with nothing, as Connor still just sat there like before with that brain dead look on his face, not that (Y/n) would know since she kept her eyes shut, thinking he would still push her off him any minute.

Instead (Y/n) was the one to shove Connor away roughly after a while when he didn't. She didn't know why she did it, yet at the same time she did while she stood up from the ground abruptly, stumbling slightly after and trying to regain her footing. Her (E/c)'s eyes looked at the shocked look on Connor's face, and she couldn't take it anymore. It hurt too much. So she ran, she ran as fast as she could down the stairs of the building, finding little comfort in the warmth that met her inside. (Y/n) dashed outside the building and broke into a sprint down the street, her tear stained cheeks freezing as the wind whipped around her, her clothes and hair fluttering in the wind and with her fast movements. Snowflakes sprinkled all over her, causing her body heat to decrease drastically after the little warmth she got from before. She looked like a hot mess, her hair all messed up from the wind, her face red and tear streaked, her clothes wrinkled and wet from the snow, and her whole form shivering from the cold. Yet, she couldn't find a reason to care as she only kept running. She didn't know where, but she knew she needed to get away. From the revolution, from the DPD, from Connor, from her broken heart.

Eventually her legs gave out on (Y/n) and she tumbled to the ground in a harsh landing, now sprawled out in the thin sheet of snow that laid on the surface of the concrete sidewalk. (Y/n) couldn't even find the courage to drag herself up off the ground, everything hurt too much, now including her aching body that had scrapes and bruises across her knees, hands, and elbows. She didn't care anymore, she couldn't care anymore, she didn't know how. So she just laid there, balling her eyes out while slowly curling up into a ball, her hands gripping onto her hair tightly in frustration. Heartbreak and misery, two words that could only describe a portion of what she was feeling. There was just so much more, so much pain mentally, and it was tearing her sanity to shreds in that moment.

|●|DBH: Connor x Reader Oneshots|○|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang