|●|Physco {Request}|●|

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{{Requested by: mechanical-pencils

Warnings of blood and gore I guess ;-; idk-

Enjoy le oneshot :') Ihope-}}


   Insane, mentally ill, not right in the head, and many more, she's heard it all. Those words, they were the only way people described her, how they saw her. And they weren't technically wrong, afterall, murdering nearly a hundred people already wouldn't be considered a sane thing for one to do. Her name? Well, the public didn't know that classified information, no one did. And no one knew what she looked like either, as she always wore this ghost face mask that was well known in the earlier 2000's. Things weren't always like this, (Y/n) used to be a normal, happy, and contented woman with life. But one day she found out that someone, a close relative to hers, had been murdered. And just like that, it was as if something just snapped inside her or a screw went loose inside her head. That happened over two years ago, and ever since then, she had been committing many homicides with nobody able to track her down. But things were about to change.

   Blood splattered everywhere, painted crimson against the walls and sidewalk of the alleyway, as well as the dark hooded figure that dragged the body lazily behind her. The deep substance was also stained into the black cloth of her hood, as well as dripping down the sleek mask she wore, yet it didn't bother her, not in the slightest. (Y/n) only continued to trudge forward, planning to just dump the body into a dumpster before heading home, maybe even committing another murder on the way there. It was nighttime afterall, so barely anyone was out, and not many would notice her. Not that she cared if someone did, because she knew they wouldn't catch her either way. The DPD and FBI have been on her trail for two years now, and they still haven't caught her. So how would tonight be any different.

   The metal of the dumpster thumped as she all but carelessly tossed the body into there, her emotionless (E/c) eyes staring at the body for a minute under the mask, before she began to make her way out of the alley. But (Y/n) quickly stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes connecting with a pair of sharp brown ones that glared at the mask she wore. She also took note of the bright, scarlet L.E.D on his right temple, the same shade of the blood that was smeared across her mask. Then she proceeded to observe his attire, once again nothing the glowing blue that was wrapped around the bicep part of his jacket. An android. But not just any android, it was the android she knew, the one that had almost caught her one time from the DPD. Connor, the detective android designed specially by CyberLife to specifically hunt down deviants and criminals like her.

   Despite this, she remained completely calm, not at all having even an ounce of worry go through her at what could happen. No, (Y/n) merely stood her ground, staying in the same place as she twirled her bloodied knife around in her hand. Yet her movement were as quick as lightening as she grasped her knife between her pointer and middle finger, before flinging the sharp weapon towards the android and watching as it sliced through the air, aiming right for his head. And it would've hit there too, if it weren't for the fact that Connor caught the blade with such ease that it slightly pissed her off.

   "You're coming with me." Connor finally spoke through the silence of the night, throwing the knife behind him as it clattered noisily onto the ground. A small snicker of laughter left her lips, only making his eyes narrow onto her more as he took a menacing step forward. Yet she still remained unfaze, a smile wickedly forming on her lips, even though he couldn't see it.

   "What makes you think that?" It was the first time she actually had spoken, because she usually didn't as it could give away her identity. But she wanted to mess with the poor android, seeing as it seemed to startle him a bit when she actually spoke up. "You haven't managed that before, so why now? Have you gotten yourself an upgrade or something, robo-boy?" Another giggle escaped her lips when Connor's brows furrowed together as a small snarl formed on his features, showing he was clearly getting irritated with what she was saying and the way she was acting.

   "I may have failed the first time, but my mission is to aprehend you and take you in for questioning." Connor's eyes were practically narrowed to silts at this point, and (Y/n) shifted a bit so that her body was to the side, having a gut feeling she was going to have to run in a moment. "And I always accomplish my mission." It would appear she was right, because right after those words left his mouth, he all but sprinted towards her, like a predator about to capture its prey. But not today.

   A dangerous smirk formed on her lips as she dashed down the alleyway, her feet feeling light with her agility as she bounded up onto a metal ladder at the end of it. (Y/n) could hear his heavy footsteps behind her, and glanced down just in time to jump up a few notches of the ladder so Connor's hand grabbed onto the metal inside of her ankle. She giggled while he only looked up at her with a harsh glare, and she only laughed more when a low growl rumbled from his throat.

   "You're going to have to be quicker than that, sweetheart." With that said, (Y/n) swiftly launched herself up the rest of the ladder, not ever looking behind now as she ran across the rooftop of the building. It didn't take long before Connor could be heard running after her again, but she merely paid no mind to it as she hopped from building to building, doing it with ease as if it were a normal thing anyone could do. Which in her case, it was.

   "If we do this the easy way, maybe I'll consider helping you!" It was a lie, and she knew it, that's why she merely kept running and ignored the male going after her. (Y/n) wasn't just running around aimlessly, however. No, she had a plan, Connor just needed to get a little closer to her before she could commence with said plan. And luckily for her, he did. And what do you know, she so happened to be at the ledge of the building now.

   With swift and planned movements, (Y/n) pivoted on her ankle so that once Connor was right behind her she pushed past and was now behind him. Before he had anytime to react however, she pushed him forward just as he turned to face her, making his eyes widened as he realized what just happened. But before he could fall to his demise, her hand reached out, gripping firmly onto his tie and letting him hang back near the edge. After finally comprehending everything, Connor let his eyes go back to it's usual emotionless and deadly stare, to which it didn't affect the (H/c)-nette at all.

   "Well, would you look at that? It appears that I am the one who has caught you. Funny, right?" There was a mocking tone to her voice, and it made Connor grit his teeth as his glare stayed focused on her stained mask. "You're quite handsome for an android. Such a shame I have to destroy such a pretty face." That same sick giggle came from her, and Connor only growled at her words, his fists clenching at his sides that were being weighed down because of the gravity that threatened to take him down to the cement below.

   "This isn't over." Connor hissed, yet his eyes widened when her free hand moved to her mask, gripping onto the bottom of it and lifting it over her head till she let it fall to the ground. The android would've been speechless had they not been in the situation they were in. With her luscious locks of (H/c) hair that flowed flawlessly in the slight wind, and the gleam in her fiery (E/c) eyes that would never disappear. But she was a murder, one he was destined to catch at all costs. He wouldn't let anything stop him from accomplishing that.

   "Oh, really?" That wicked smile was ever so present on her lips, as it had never left from before there whole chase. Before Connor could bark a harsh remark at her, he was suddenly yanked forward a bit with the grip on his tie, so that there bodies were now pressed together and her lips brushed against his when she spoke. The close proximity made his Thirium pump in a dangerous feeling, and he only kept a hard stare on her face when she spoke again. "I can't wait to see you again then, Connor. But until then," She leaned forward just a bit more, her lips now touching his but now yet locked in a kiss that would happen if she were to just lean forward a smidge more. "-this is goodbye." With one harsh shove (Y/n) had jumped back, watching as the android fell over the ledge with wide eyes and a blinking red L.E.D. The (H/c)-nette reached down to scoop up her mask, cradling it in her arms as she stepped over to the ledge to take a glance down below.

   A vibrant blue was splattered all over the alleyway, much like the other she was in before, only this time it was an androids blood that painted the wall. Letting her slip her mask back on she stepped back from the edge, and ran off into a random direction, letting the dimly lit streets help her find her way home.


{{ *screams in German* }}

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