|○|The Real World{Request}|○|

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{{Requested by: Captainchubbz666

Hope chu like it! ;3

Also, I changed the way I wrote this so like, the paragraphs arent linked together. I just thought that it might be easier to read that way. :/
Anyway, enjoy I guess OOF-}}

   "(Y/n)... I want food." (F/n) groaned, dragging out the last syllable of her name as he leaned against said female, who only rolled her eyes at him and kept her gaze focused on the screen in front of her. (F/n) was her roommate, seeing as they both were attending college at the moment and were stuck together till it was over. The two had bonded quite quickly however, due to having many of the same likes, one of which was the game Detroit: Become human. Both of them bonded over that relatively quickly, and would often play it together when they had no essays to write or didn't have to study for any exams.

   "Don't we have any food left?" (Y/n) wasn't too focused on her friend at the moment, keeping her eyes on the TV screen as she was playing a scene from Connor's storyline at the moment.

   "We do, but I'm so sick of ramen." (F/n) made a gagging noise that made a small snicker come from the (H/c)-nette, who still refused to look over at the male. "Please, (Y/n). Can't you just go get us some Wendy's real quick or something? I'll pay!" He nudged her shoulder with his own, making her (E/c) eyes glance over at his face, which was now turned into a puppy dog look.

   "Why? It's eleven at night, (F/n). Why are you like this?" (Y/n) giggled more as she moved and pressed buttons on the controller, watching as she made Connor follow the Lieutenant around. "But I guess I'm hungry too. So as long as you're paying, then yeah, fine, I'll get us food." With that (F/n) shot up and did a quiet cheer, while (Y/n) only rolled her eyes and paused her game.

   "Thank you! You're a life saver, I don't know what I'd do without you." (Y/n) only held her hand out in front of the male expectantly, to which he quickly fished around in his pocket for his wallet before taking it out.

   "You'd probably be whining in a corner at your parents house about the same damn thing." The money was slapped into her hand, fifty bucks to be exact, and she pocketed the cash while moving towards the counter of their small 'kitchen' to grab her phone.

   "That's accurate. But hey, food is food man, and you gotta love food." The (H/c)-nette could only roll her eyes at what he said and wave him goodbye as she left their dorm room, praying to God that he didn't do anything stupid while she was gone for the short amount of time.

   (Y/n) had decided to just pick up some food from the local grocery store deli, seeing as it would at least be somewhat healthier than fast food. (F/n) most likely would be disappointed, but she knew he wouldn't care, just as long as something other than ramen or canned beans ended up in his stomach. The engine to her car whirred to a stop as she parked in the empty parking lot, giving her this unsettling feeling in her gut just because she didn't like going out in the night time. 'Oh well, fuck it. If I die, I die. I'm sure (F/n) will play Panic! At the Disco at my funeral, so it's all good.' With that amusing thought in mind (Y/n) opened the car door and stepped out, welcoming the chilly air with open arms as she closed the door and began to make her way to the small store.

   It didn't take long for her to order some food and grab some drinks before going to the cash register to pay for all the junk she bought, and with that she was out the sliding glass doors almost as soon as she had went in. But the minute she stepped outside she halted in her tracks, noticing a figure standing next to her car and seemingly observing it.

   "What the fuck?.." It was a small mutter under her breath, one that made a small puff of white air blow from her parted lips, and something that had made her legs start to move instinctively towards her vehicle. There was a barely noticable blue light shining from where the figure was standing, and they seemed to be pretty tall, probably male judging by the persons stature. When she got closer she found her legs moving a bit slower, like she was trying to sneak up on them and make sure she wasn't known. That obviously didn't go to plan, seeing as the minute she was only three or four feet away from the car they had whipped around to face her, making the (H/c) haired female jumped back a bit as her heart leapt to her throat in fear. The two just seemed to stare at each other for a bit, neither one of them saying anything, and (Y/n) was squinting in the dark to try and make out the mystery person's features.

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