xanax - ashton

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i really don't know what im talking about so don't have a go thanks


"what did you just take, ashton?" you sigh as you sit with your friends in the local park, watching as ashton slid a small something into his mouth.

"got a headache." he mumbled.


"what, i do. chill out."

you huff as you press a single cigarette to you plush lips, enjoying the silence. you shouldn't be smoking, and neither should any of your friends, but you just keep digging your grave deeper and can't stop.

"yeah, what did you put in your mouth?" calum piped up.

"nothing! Jesus Christ dude."

"come on, ashton. we might smoke and shit, but if your poppin we gotta know." luke says, circling his lip ring with his tongue.

"fine. it's a xan."

michael raised his eyebrows and pressed another fag to his mouth, shaking his head in disbelief.

"you can get seriously addicted-" you begin, but get cut off by ashton.

"coming from the person who smokes literally every hour? none of you can have a go at me for getting addicted to some shit like xanax, your lungs are all probably black."

"fucking hell, ashton, chill the fuck out. you can stop a smoking addiction, but other shit is harder. we're just worried, bro." luke says.

"well, don't be. you all ain't worried about shit."

"im worried about you, ashton." you mumble.

ashton grabs his bag and stands up, walking away from you all, and without hesitation you stand up and walk up behind him.

"what do you want, (y/n)."

"i love you, ashton, and you can't be doing this to yourself."

"prove that you love me, then. because you clearly don't, dude, no one does.-"

as you press your lips to his you cut him off, the immediate taste of tobacco lingering inside your mouth, even though you've smoked so much you'd forgotten how they'd taste.


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