work - ashton

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soooo i haven't written in a very long time but i think i should as it's good for me to get my emotions out :)


you sigh, laying flat out on the couch, kicking your feet in the air as you scroll through your phone, wearing plain black shorts and an oversized shirt.

you had met a boy named ashton. he was, to say the least, the love of your life. every inch of you felt love for him, and you couldn't tear yourself away from him.

you two weren't official yet, but it was so obvious you both liked eachother - i mean, you loved him, and it's hard to disguise a feeling as strong as that.

you get up as you receive a knock at your door, opening it to see ashton standing there, his face unreadable.

"hey, what's up?" you ask him, placing a hand on his shoulder. he simply shrugs it off and goes and sits on the couch.

"i need to talk to you about something."

you nod in response, sitting on the couch opposite him.

"so, i don't think i can do this - us - whatever we are." he mutters, breath shaky.

you felt your heart crash into your stomach, feeling it shatter into a thousand pieces. tears began to prick your eyes and you knew your cheeks were heating up, lips trembling.

"w-why?" you mumble.

"i never get to see you, (y/n). we live so fucking far away from each other. your parents don't know about me either, what if they don't want me around you?"

"a-ashton" you began, slowly catching your breath. "my parents can be a lot of work, but i will do anything to make it work. p-please stay."

he sits there, thinking about what you just said, as he leans back into the soft black leather couch.

"i love you." you whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear. it catches his attention and he glances at you, straight into your eyes.

"i love you, too." he smiles softly, opening his arms out.

you slowly crawl over to him, burying your face into his chest.

"we're gonna make this work, i promise you." you mumble into his shirt, only to receive a small hum and a kiss on the forehead in response.

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