hes insecure - luke

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"baby." you roll over, facing your boyfriend. "shower with me this morning?"

"have i got to?" luke sighs sleepily, glancing at you.

"do you not want to?" giving him a confused glare, you roll over and grab your phone from the nightstand.

"no, it's not that it's just, we showered together the other day and i like doing it on my own sometimes."

"the other day was last week, luke. anyway, it doesn't matter. im going first, then." you mumble, sliding out of bed and into the bathroom.

as you wash and condition your hair, you think of what to do today. luke clearly doesn't want to be around you, so going out with friends was the only option.

hopping out of the shower and grabbing a towel, you walk into your bedroom where luke is sat on his laptop, typing away an email.

"showers free." you mutter, getting changed.

"okay. (y/n), are you mad?" luke says, getting out of bed.

"huh? no. im going out with morgan today, so you'll have the house to yourself." straightening your hair, you watch him as he nods and goes into the bathroom.

"im going to the studio anyway." he yells from the bathroom, shutting the door gently.


"how about this? luke would love this on you, (y/n)!" morgan screeches, holding up a yellow shirt with black and white checkered patterns up the side, and leggings to match.

"as i said, luke doesn't love anything about me at the minute, morgan." you sigh, taking the outfit from her. "this is a really fucking nice outfit, though. it's in blue, red and purple too."

"stick with yellow, and get a purple jacket and purple shoes! you always wear red, so."

"fine. im too lazy to try it on here, though, so ill just buy it and see. im getting these shoes and this bag as well - also this skirt and blouse." you show her mass of stuff in your hands.

"hey, stop stressing about luke. he's being an arse, (y/n)." morgan tugs you to the checkout.

"we used to shower together everyday. we used to bath together, we used to do every single thing together and now he's always on his own or with the boys."

"well then let's go to victoria secret next, then. get something that would catch his attention."

"really, morgan? we haven't done anything in months! i don't even get a kiss on the cheek anymore. i can't remember the last time we kissed." you sigh, giving your stuff to the cashier.


"luke? im home." you say, dumping all of your shopping bags on the living room floor. "oh, hey." all the boys were sat around laughing and drinking.

"are you all drunk?" you question.

"im driving, so no. see, diet coke." calum smiles widely at you, waving the can in your face.

"im sober still, and so is ashton." michael joins in. "luke isn't, though." he whispers the last part.

"heard my name! (y/n)! what are you doing back so early?!" luke slurs his words, giggling.

"it's eleven at night, luke, and your drunk, i think it's time for bed." you mutter, grabbing a bottle of water. "drink."

"nope, im getting a beer." he stands up, but you manage to grab hold of him.

"you've had too many, babe. look." you point to at least ten cans laying on the floor.

"one more wont hurt. stop being a buzzkill! let me have fun!" he tries to push back but ends up falling into your arms.

"for fucks sake, luke, go to bed." you walk him to the bedroom and shut the door, hoping he wouldn't come back out.

"is he okay, (y/n)?" michael asks. "he wouldn't sing today at all, he refused and pissed us all off."

"don't know, and every time i ask him he either tells me he's fine or to fuck off."

"text us if you need to, (y/n). see ya." they all file out of the door, one by one.

flicking off all the lights, shutting all the windows and locking all the doors, you head upstairs and into your bedroom, to see luke passed out on his side of the bed, thankfully you didn't have to move him. he was in a tshirt and boxers anyway, so you simply pulled on an old tshirt as well and slid into bed.


sounds of luke throwing up in the bathroom woke you up.


"im fine. hung over, too much beer."

it went silent, you snuggled deeper into the pillows and eventually felt luke get back into bed.

"are you okay, luke? you've been out of it for a while."

"you ask that all the time, (y/n). im fine, stop fucking nagging." he rolls over, his back to you. checking the time, it's half seven in the morning.

"im going out again, if your drunk again take care of yourself."

three days later

you stayed for three days at morgans house, not wanting to deal with luke. the boys had texted you, asking where you were, but you said you were with a friend.

"morgs, im going to see luke today. thank you for letting me stay, and picking me out some stunning outfits." you pull her in for a hug before departing from her house and making your way to luke.

knocking on the door three times, you remembered you had a key, but luke had managed to open it before you could.

"(y/n) - don't tell me your moving out." he mumbles, sadness in his voice.

"no, i, uh, came home. just because i live here, you know." luke opens the door wider, letting you in.

"so, where have you been? were you with a-another guy?" he stammers.

"no. were you with another girl?"

"w-what? why would you even think that? i love you and only you."

"do you, though? when was the last time we kissed? when was the last time we went on a date? when was the last time we sat at home and watched movies all day? when was the last time we had sex, luke? do you remember? i fucking don't! you either love me or not, luke. what's gotten into you? am i not good enough?" you yell.

your heart sinks as you see his eyes glaze over.

"look at my phone."

as you scrolled through his twitter, there were so many nasty comments. on his instagram, too. all saying he should go to the gym, that the other boys can sing better and that he should stop singing and leave the band. it hurt you just as much as it hurt him.

he was full on sobbing at this point.

"they are a-all r-right, (y/n). l-look at how fat i am, i h-have no abs and im f-fucking disgusting! look at me! l-look at me (y/n)! i am a f-fucking d-disgrace!" luke falls over, landing on the floor and pulling his knees to his chest.

"baby." you hush, crawling down next to him. "you are so fucking beautiful. your stunning, baby. see, look at these pretty curls." you mumble, playing with his hair. "and your eyes, and your smile, and your laugh, your personality. and don't forget to mention how fucking hot you are."

you press your lips to his plump, swollen ones, tasting his salty tears in your mouth. he slowly kisses you back, crying still but calming down.

"i love you, baby."

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