leaving for tour - calum

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"(y/n)! come down here!" you hear your boyfriend of two years, calum, yell from downstairs. to be frank, it woke you up, and you weren't in the mood. pulling calums nirvana shirt over your head and tugging on a pair of shorts you open your door and wander downstairs.

"what is it, calum?" you say, slightly annoyed. the boys were with him too, wide grins on their faces.

"we're going on our third tour!"

you didn't know what to feel. you had never spoken the words, but you hated it whenever calum left, wether it be for tour or for an interview five hours away. you have a weak smile, though, and walked over to hug him.

"well done, cal." you say meekly. "when's your first show?"

calum stood still.

"uh, thats the thing, (y/n)." he started. "next weekend - your not mad, are you?"

"next weekend? what? im not mad cal, why would i be?" you state, trying not to trip over your words.

"thank god - aren't you excited?"

calum seemed so happy, and so did the rest of the boys - you didn't want to make them upset. so you just laughed and hugged him, before yawning, rubbing your eyes and heading back to bed.


the boys were out when you woke up - thank god, because the first thing you did was burst into tears.

you felt like shit for being sad for calum, but he went on tour last time when you had just got together, and it was one of the most difficult things to live with.

it felt weird, you missed him already. skyping and calling helped a little bit, but not much, it never did.

you walk into the kitchen to see a note in calums handwriting on a piece of bright pink paper. all it said was that they had gone to the studio, so you didn't bother to read the rest. grabbing a bottle of water you plopped onto the couch, flicking through the channels until you found something decent, even though you knew you would scroll through your phone anyway.

every post that came up on your timeline was about five seconds of summer and their tour and all the interviews and press and announcements. everywhere you looked reminded you of the fact that calum was leaving in now under a week.

calum loved the band, and of course so did all the boys, and you knew how hyped they would be to go on tour, and you couldn't be a weight dragging them down with your sadness.

the boys finally came home after at least ten hours of work, and they all looked tired yet were grinning with joy. you, however, had been crying almost the whole day.

"baby? are you alright?" calum rushed over to you, noticing your glossy, red eyes.

"huh? oh, yeah. fine." you mumble, wandering off to get a drink but calum grabbed you gently by the waist and pressed soft kisses down your neck.

"you sure your alright, baby?" he mumbles against your skin, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.

you nod slightly, squeaking out a small 'yes' because if you said another word you would probably start sobbing again.

"hey, look at me, (y/n)" calum moved to look at you. you tried so hard to to cry but you could feel your throat start to close up and burn, letting out a light sob.

"baby." he whispered, pulling you in for a tight hug while your cries got even louder.

"is everything alright?" you heard michael speak behind you.

pulling away from calum, you nodded gently. all three boys must of heard you crying too, as ashton and luke were standing by michael's side.

"are you sure your okay? what's the matter?" luke asked.

"yeah, (y/n) what's up? you can tell us anything, you know."

"are you pregnant?!" ashton's eyes lit up, earning a smack from calum.

"baby, what's wrong? you can tell me anything, you know that. do you want me to kick the boys out? i can do tha-"

"fucking hell! im fine! i was just a bit upset! fuck off, will you!" you yell, tears falling freely at this point. calums expression hardened, before walking out and slamming the front door.

luke, ashton and michael all retreated back to the living room, while you were left alone in the kitchen, crying to yourself.


the whole week, calum and the boys had said barely anything to you. but they were leaving today, in three hours to be exact, so they would have to say something.

stretching slightly, you patter downstairs bare-footed. you can hear the boys chuckling in the living room, and really didn't want to go in there, but you left your laptop downstairs last night and needed it back for work purposes.

knocking on the door once, twice, three times - you got no response, so you simply just twisted the handle. eight eyes were on you instantly, making you tense up.

"just getting my laptop." you smile, although all four boys wore a cold expression.

you knew why they were pissed. they had tried to help you and you told them to fuck off, which you regretted so badly.

"if you want to come to the airport with us, you better get changed." calum said sternly, although no expression lay on his face.

you did what you were told, and simply changed into some jeans and one of calums t-shirts, sliding on some plain black and white nike trainers.

grabbing your bag, phone and headphones - seeing as the whole car ride would probably be silent - you called out to the boys letting them know you were ready.

luke walked out first, with two massive suit cases, followed by ashton, michael and then finally, calum, who only have you a sharp glare. plugging in your earphones you shuffled your playlist, and stayed silent for the whole hour journey to the airport.


the boys had fifteen minutes until their flight. yeah, you may have been pricks to them and they may have ignored you in return, but you were still going to miss them with all your heart. you got the feeling calum wouldn't come and visit in the week break he got at the end of every three months. the tour was almost seven months long, with around two proper breaks in between. that meant you wouldn't see him for just over half a year, all because you told him to fuck off.

"flight 64 is now boarding."

glancing over at the boys, they all stood up in sync, you following behind them. feeling the tears already rolling down your cheeks, you pull calum into a bone-crushing hug, causing him to tense up slightly.

"i-i- love y-y-you, c-calum." you choked out. he gave you a confused glance.

"w-what?" you mumble, gazing into his hazel eyes.

"why are you crying? your coming with us, silly." calum spoke clearly with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

you jump at him once more, nestling your head into his chest, smiling with happiness and adoration.

"last chance; flight 64 is now boarding."

"come on, (y/n). let's go, baby." you noticed all the boys smiling along with you as you clung to calum's bicep.

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