Wha—hold up, pretty boy say what?

I wished I had recorded that.

"Well I'm sure not all guys are like that," I said coolly, trying to sound unfazed.

"Well maybe not. But once you've been in the game long enough, and seen what RJ and I had seen, you'd lose faith too,"

"So you're saying that there's practically no good guys on the island left? And I'm just gonna die sad and alone with my pet penguin?"

"You have a pet penguin?"

"No, but if I was gonna die all alone, I should at least get a cool pet,"

That got him to laugh. Even the way he laughed was gorgeous.

"Well... what about you?" I breathed suddenly.

"What about me?" he said.

"Aren't you a good guy?"

His ocean blue eyes held his gaze on me, as if he was thinking of something.

"What do you think?" he said with a slight undertone.

"I don't know,"

"Well, what about you?"


"Are you a good girl?"

Whoa there cowboy... is this what they call flirting?

"I don't know," I said, trying to sound cool and not the nervous wreck that I was.

"Should we try and find out?" he spoke, catching me off guard.

A small smile curved up his face, and without warning, he took one step closer towards me. My first instinct was to take a step back, but I decided to hold my ground instead.

He was so close to me now. I could even inhale his delicious scent and it was making my head spin. My chest was pounding. I hoped he didn't notice I was having trouble breathing.

His hand then reached for my face, his fingertips landed softly on my cheek. My skin was burning at his touch.

"Your lips are so soft," he commented as his thumb rubbed against the lower part of my lip.

He leaned in closer as his hand tilted my chin up. And the next thing I felt was his warm lips on mine. He tasted like mint and something sweet.

I'm kissing Blake-fucking-Harrison!

His other hand swiftly moved to grip my back, pulling me closer to him. My own hands flew up and held him by his shoulder blades. He was all rock-hard muscles.

"Mmhm," he murmured, a sign that he liked my touch.

He deepened the kiss and his tongue gently brushed over my lip, asking for permission. I parted my lips slowly and his tongue delved right in. I gasped in response, but somehow it came out in a moaning-like noise.

What was that?

He gripped my body tighter and in one fell swoop, he lifted me up so I was sitting on the sink counter.

"Taya!" Suddenly we heard a familiar voice.

"Shit," Blake pulled away in an instant.

"T, are you in here?" Yes, that would be Ryder, unmistakably.

He started knocking on the door and the doorknob rattled urgently.

I was so dead.

Judging by the look on his face, Blake probably had the same idea. He was just frozen in shock.

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