“And why would you do that?” you snap beyond annoyed at this point, you didn’t even go looking for him he came to you just to make you miserable. But soon your misery ended as you began to wonder what it what be like to drink from the demon holding onto Dean.

You let your mind ponder over the idea over growing your strength while staying close to Dean. You could keep him until Sam could cure him and in your mind that was the perfect idea, but you somehow had to figure out how to capture Dean. A bar fight wasn’t exactly the best idea since you didn’t feel like dragging him out if you even you. You assumed your only option was seduction and apparently Dean was thinking the same thing since his hand made its way to your thigh as he leaned over to whisper in your ear, “how about we go somewhere more private sweetheart?”

His question makes you subconsciously shiver as as smirk spreads on your face the nickname thrown in doing more to you than expected as it brought back memories of your Dean. Memories that you tried so hard to push away since you lost him, thinking about them now as he sat beside you caused want to cloud your brain as you felt yourself nodding before he grabbed your hand and led you to the car you hadn't seen in so long. He only let you go long enough to get in the car; right after he started her up his hand was on your waist dragging you over to him, it was almost like he knew his affected on you and he was worried that if he lets you go long enough it'll wear off. It never wore off because the moment you pulled into the motel parking lot you were out the care and to his arms as you kissed the whole way to his door. You only stopped long enough to open the door and get inside, the moment you entered you were a mess of limbs desperately trying to get at the other.

Once it was done you laid together speechless as you settled, the rush of peace that went through you was almost unreal at this point. But it didn't last, it never did in your life. You woke up pressed to Dean's chest craving demon blood unexpectedly an hour or so after you dozed off. You were confused at first not really sure where the craving came from, then you remembered your lack of a drink last night thanks to the man you're laying on. You also remember how he said he'd made sure you wouldn't find any causing a whimper to escape you before you could stop it. You knew it would take too long for you to track down another demon, plus you'd be too weak to do anything once you found one to do anything. Last time you went without was rough though you didn't let either of the boys know about it and you didn't know if your body could handle it again, it could probably kill you.

Another subconscious whimper escapes you as you think about dying because of this. Lost in the thoughts of dying due to this you don't realize Dean had stirred and was now looking at you concerned, “what's wrong sweetheart?” He asked drawing you from your thoughts.

Unsure what to say to him you to shake your head instead, “nothing,” you bite out hoping the demon believes you. When he flicks the light on you know he doesn’t so you decide to keep your eyes closed, not meeting his gaze as the bed shifts under his weight.

“Hey,” he whispers a lot closer to you then you’d expect, “look at me sweetheart.”

Eventually you open your eyes and look over to him where he sits inches from you and give him a pained look that you just can’t hide.

“When was the last time?” he asks confusing you.

“The last time what?” you question.

“You had demon blood, when was the last time y/n?”

“A couple days ago,” you say before a pain hits you again, “normally I only let it last two days but,” you finish once the pain subsides only to trail off.

Dean doesn’t answer you, instead he rolls out of the bed, at first causing you to assume that he was leaving you to suffer upon realizing how weak you finally are. All your thoughts and assumptions changed when you seen him come back with your blade in hand as he slipped back into the cheap motel bed.

He looks at the knife for a minute before he speaks, “Dean really cared about you y’know, I think that's why i’m drawn to you too. Which is why I have an offer for you, stay with me and i’ll provide you all the demon blood you want  or leave and never see another demon again because I will kill them all,” Dean propositions finally looking at you, “So what’ll it be?”

“I’ll stay,” you mumble knowing it isn't the most ideal way to get him back if you even can with him breathing down your neck.

“Cheer up sweetheart you should be happy with your decision,” Dean murmurs before slipping the blade into my hand and laying back.

You sat there staring at him with blade in hand for a few minutes not sure what to do, there were no demons in the town and you were too weak to find and fight one know at this moment. Dean realizing the misunderstanding of the matter and chuckles as he wraps his hand around the wrist that has the blade and brings it towards himself, “Drink up,” he says with a smirk.

Nicking his arm with the blade you hesitantly lean forward and beging to sick the blood from the opening for a minute as the pain in your head begins to subside slightly. What you drank wasn’t enough to help you completely but you refused to take more and overstep. Dean can see this and sighs taking the knife and slices a shallow cut into his shoulder before motioning for you to drink that too. You don’t at first, but then you see the look on the demon's face so you lean in taking what you need. When you’re done the two of you lay cuddled on the bed until you fall back asleep.

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