Reign~ Chuck Shurley

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AN: This is loosely based off of the show Reign.

At six I, Y/n Queen of Scotland was arranged to marry Chuck Prince of France, ensuring the two allies back when I was still a princess. Now, I has returned to France to marry the prince due to my father's sudden death leaving my country vulnerable to England's attack.

As I exited my carriage I was embraced by my ladies, from a young age they were trained to be by my side through everything that went on in the court. But this was my first time seeing them since my father's death, I was overjoyed as I embraced all four of them one after the other. After pulling away finally I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as they fixed my hair fussing over my appearance due to my travel.

Hearing the trumpets announce the royal family's arrival I swat the girls hands away turning to face the pathway where everyone waits.

"Do you think that's him?" one of my ladies asks in a whisper looking at the tall dark haired man standing beside the king.

"No, he looks nothing like the Chuck I used to play with as a child. It's been quite some time since I've seen him but I'd know," I reply scanning over the people trying to find who I was looking for. I was about to give up when a part of the crowd parted and up walked a handsome man, he grew there was no doubt he did but he still reminded me of the boy I'd chase through the hall in my childhood, "that's Chuck."

Before any of my ladies have the chance to say anything else Chuck in infront of my reaching out for my hand, which I grant him willingly even though I am stunned still by his presence, "Y/n," I hear him say softly as he stands with our hands still joined together.

"Chuck," I reply curtsying as polite gesture.

"It's been so long, you've grown even more beautiful than you were before," he says softly to me as we walk towards the King and Queen causing my cheeks to heat up and the butterflies and my stomach to set off into a frenzy.

"Thank you, you as well," I reply trying to keep it as formal as I could so I didn't ruin any chances of this marriage, everything was dependent on the king who was his father after all.

The rest of the walk up to his family was quiet leaving my mind to ponder what our marriage will be like, and if it would be enough to save my country. my heart clenches at the thought of what my mother must be going through back in my country, the moment that England became more of a threat I was shipped off to a safe place to keep me protected. But now the threat was work on my country and I wasn't going to let my people down, there was more than enough death going on due to the constant war taking foot just on the outskirts of my land. My military was deteriorating and I began growing more and more anxious by the day, which is what led me to okaying the proposal to go farther. I don't want to be married even though I've known chuck since we were six or so, but my country needed a queen with a king by her side. One with soldiers and power who could defend my country as well as theirs. I knew marrying Chuck that was exactly what I would get, 'together France and Scotland would be untouchable' I thought to myself as hope began to plant itself in my chest making me even more determined to do this.

Stopping in front of the King and Queen I curtsy once more though much more prominent showing my respect for those higher than me, those who decide the fate of me and my country. After exchanging pleasantries my ladies and I were shown to our quarters to freshen up before dinner, the first legitimate son of the king is going to be wed soon so they feel the need to celebrate. I on the other hand couldn't find it in me to celebrate with each minute I waited my country was in more danger and it was causing an uneasy feeling to take hold again by the time my ladies led me towards the feast being held. Most of the meal and that week went by in a blur, with exception of the occasional visit from the prince I spent most of my days with my ladies going along with events and other things the Queen was throwing thanks to my arrival.

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