Castiel Angel of The Lord~ Castiel

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The same flutter of wings you hear everytime Cas enters a room was heard causing you to look up, your eyes instantly spotting him going over to Dean on the other side of the table in the war room. You watched them have a discussion about something momentarily before going back to your research. You were so into researching you didn’t hear the angle make his way to you until a hand was placed on your shoulder and you jumped, “my apologies y/n I just came to say hello.”

“Hey Castiel, how have you been it’s been a while,” you say sitting up to look at him better.

“I've been well,” he says smiling brightly at you before Dean calls him over.

You watch him walk away as Sam plops down beside you passing you a new lore book, “Cas got a lead so we're changing directions try this book.”

Taking the book you nod as you flip through it, “so did Castiel give you any details on this lead, anything I should be looking for?”

“Just anything that sticks out,” he says before silence falls over the two of you while you both read.

Eventually Cas comes back over with Dean in tow, they both take a seat and Dean clears his throat, “who wants some grub? I know I do since we're going to be here a while.”

“Me,” you and Sam say in unison before you turn to Cas.

“So how exactly did you get this new lead Castiel,” you ask as you watch the smile spread across his face.

“A couple demons I ran into,” he says with a shrug and you nod going back to your lore before Dean leaves and Sam clears his throat.

“So y/n why do you call Cas by his whole name?” He asks causing you to look down blushing.

You knew the reason you did it but you just shrugged refusing to let yourself answer intron of the angels himself. A couple minutes later he popped out silently without saying a word and Sam took this as his chance.

Leaning towards you across the table he quietly says, “So you going to tell me the real answer since he's gone?”

Shrugging you clear your throat as you prepare for what you are about to admit, “When we met Castiel that day Dean, Bobby, and I went looking he was so confident and sure of himself. He knew his purpose and even in this hunter life where I know for sure nothing is certain, I am certain about Castiel. He has fallen and gotten back up on numerous occasions under a bunch of different circumstances just like every last one of us and is still as strong as ever,” you pause for a minute before you continue not realizing Sam's focus switched to something behind you, “It might be stupid to say but to me he is still ‘Castiel, an angel of the lord’ even when we had no lord.”

Once you are done talking you keep your gaze on the book expecting to hear Sam respon, instead you feel a hand on your shoulder causing you to look up. Turning your head you see the angel you are speaking about standing beside you with a huge grin on his face.

“You have that much faith in me?” He asks quietly and you nod as your cheeks heat up hotter than they were before, the last thing you wanted was for him to hear what you were saying, “I didn't know you felt that way y/n.”

“I have for a while,” you reply quietly.

“Well I'm glad,” he says pausing as he leans in to rest his forehead against your own, “because so have I about you.”

Hearing him say this happiness washes over you and you lean up closing the space between the two of you kissing him softly. The two of you get lost in the kiss forgetting that Sam was in the until he cleared his throat leaving you both to pull away blushing.

Cas was still smiling from ear to ear as he speaks, “So does this mean you're my girlfriend now?”

“Yes Castiel,” I giggle.

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