Blood Lust

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Summary: Being Dean's girlfriend caused y/n to hide the fact that she was Azazel's child like Sam. Once he dies y/n begins to use her powers again and all was going as planned until she runs into the denom that is her former lover.

Pairing: Demon Dean x reader


Slipping onto the stool of the bar your eyes scan the crowd in attempt to find your next victim, you were a lot more like Sam than even Dean had known. As you sat there you couldn’t help but think about how he would feel seeing you like this, scouting bars sucking demon blood like his brother once did before. Dean never knew you were a child of Azazel, or that before you met him you were drinking any demon you could find. You stopped it all the first case you went on with him. You knew what happened with his brother and how Dean felt about it just as much as any other hunter so you decided to ditch the powers for the one time. One hunt turned to two and eventually you ended up never leaving and all your power went forgotten.

You were happy with the life you were living with the Winchester’s, Sam was like your brother and Dean hit on you from the first day. You never really cared about the absence of all the power you grew accustomed to over time you even forgot that they were there. Instead you were more focused on the oldest Winchester who ended up stealing your heart. But that only lasted until Dean died once, he when he first died you were so overcome with grief that you couldn’t stop crying. When he came back as a demon you didn’t know what to do, at first you agreed with Sam and you had hope to get him back.

Then weeks turned to months and you grew restless sitting around searching for some way to get him back. With Dean gone the urge for blood returned just as strong as it was when you first began to feed off of demons, after awhile you couldn't take the urges and the research anymore.

You packed up and left the bunker not looking back one night not even bothering to say goodbye to Sam, opting to leave a note for him to find on his books. You were done trying to fight your urges as a human, soon after leaving the bunker you set off to find your first drink before moving onto the next. You ignored the ache in your chest to instead grow your strength back up, you couldn’t get your Dean back as a human but you can do it with all your powers back to as strong as they were before you met the Winchesters.

You were at the same camp as Sam the night he died, you were hiding out never once making your presence know to anyone. You didn’t see him die but Azazel came to you, taunting you over how many you were too weak to save thanks to your lack of blood. You grew stronger before you met them, gained your strength and mastered each power you had in hiding until they had killed Azazel. Soon after he died you ran into the two of them and all you worked for ended, but it was the best part of your life and you hadn’t been happier which is why everything went to shit without him,

Eventually your demon trail you’d been following to keep yourself strong led you to some shit town in the middle of nowhere. On one of your dead nights there while trying to find  your demon you decided to go to the only bar they had. That was where you sat were sat lost in the thoughts of your old Dean. You didn’t realize someone took the stool beside you until the voice you loved so much whispered in your ear, “What would Dean say about you picking up demons from bars in the middle of nowhere sweetheart?”

“I don’t know sweetheart  why don't you tell me since you’re wearing him,” you retort before knocking back the rest of your drink and turning back towards the sea of people to continue your search hoping that demon Dean wasn’t the one I was hunting.

“Oh you aren’t going to find a single little demon in here to drink I made sure of that personally,” the demon beside you says as he watches your eyes scan the crowd before landing on him as he tries to see your reaction. Your assumptions were true and that sucks but allured you at the same time.

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