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Prompt #65: “Look at me- just breath, okay?”

You stormed into your apartment not bothering to wait for the archangel who was hot on your tail as you made your way straight for the bedroom. Throwing your jacket onto the chair you had in the corner your turn in time to see Lucifer himself storming into the room angry but it doesn’t scare you the way it should instead it only fuels your anger more, he has no right to be mad when he was the one at fault here.

“Oh this is not only on me,” he says breaking you from your thoughts and reminding you he can hear what you think all at the same time.

“No? So it my fault you were flirting with the waitress while we’re on a damn date?” you ask annoyed.

He shrugs looking at you indifferently, “I’m not saying it’s your fault because I wasn’t doing it. Im saying you were seeing things that weren’t there.”

“How was it not there Lucifer? Even she thought you were flirting with her which is why she left you her fucking number!” you exclaim, your voice rising with each word.

“It’s not like I kept it,” he scoffs before adding under his breath, “maybe I should have now.”

The tears start streaming down your face when catch part of the second half and you shoot a glare in his direction, “if that’s how you feel then go find her,” you snap turning to walk away from him.

When you don’t hear him say anything you turn to see what he is doing but he’s not in the room. You assume he is somewhere else in the apartment and sink to the floor in tears letting out all the emotions you were holding in because of the fight. After a while your tears dry up and you feel bad for how you acts so you slowly rise from the floor and head in search of your boyfriend who you assume is somewhere within your house.

Searching each room lead nowhere so you tried calling his phone in hopes he only ran out to get something, only to be met instantly with his voicemail. Your heart sank at the thought of not getting ahold of him but instead of letting the panic take over you tried the only other thing you could think to do and prayed to him hoping it would work just like it did with Castiel at times. After trying multiple times with no success the thought that he may have actually left crept up on you, as your heart sunk all you could think of was that he actually went back to the restaurant you were at earlier that night.

The thought of him leaving you for another woman causes you to drop to your knees with tears streaming freely down your cheeks. You don’t realize when eventually your breath quickens and it gets harder for you to breathe. As each breath becomes more labored you lower your head between your knees and try to calm yourself even though it doesn’t help.

You begin to think nothing is going to help until you feel a hand on your shoulder, you know exactly who’s hand it is but you can’ find it in yourself to look up. No matter how much you want to make sure it is really him beside you, you just can’t as your chest clenches preventing you from doing anything for a minute before you regain composure.

As you gasp for air again you hear Lucifer whisper, “hey y/n look at me,” as he shakes your shoulder in attempt to gain your attention.

When nothing happens he sighs and releases your shoulder before shifting to sit beside you and pull you on top of him. You feel his arms wrap around you followed by another somewhat waited object before his head falls to rest on yours. Eventually you uncoil from within yourself having calmed some and instead wrapped yourself around Lucifer, tucking your head into his neck as your panic attack continued.

Lucifer couldn’t handle feeling you struggle with yourself against his side anymore and leaned back to take your face in his hand, “look at me-” he begins until he realising you’re hyperventilating too much, “ just breathe, okay? Follow my breathing,” he says taking one of your hands in his leading and leading it to his chest where is is making exaggerated breaths for you to mimic.

Slowly you follow his breathing and your breath begins to steady as well and he lets go of your hand running it through your hair to push any strays out your face, “you think you could look at me now?” he asks softly.

Bringing your hands you wipe any remaining tears from your eyes before slowly opening them. They hurt from the crying but once you blink away the stray tears left you look up to be met by Lucifer’s concerned face. You go to look down again ashamed of what he just seen you do but he catches your face before you can and whispers, “hey no don’t do that.”

Stroking your cheek with his thumb he watches you for a minute before he asks, “care to tell me what just happened love?”   

“I had a panic attack,” you whisper before clearing your throat and sitting back only to realise the other heavy thing he wrapped around you earlier was his wings.

“Why?” he asks causing your attention to leave his wings and go back to his face.

“Because after our fight I thought you just went somewhere else in the house so I went looking for you to apologize after a while, but I couldn’t find you so I tried to call you. When your phone went straight to voicemail I tried to pray to you a couple times before I gave up…I thought you really went to find the waitress from dinner,” you explain trailing off.

“I went out to get something for apologize,” Lucifer begins to explain, “I would’ve answered my phone but it’s dead. I can never remember to charge that thing you know that.”

“And what about when I prayed to you?” you ask curiously.

“I don’t expect people I to actually pray to me so I never pay attention to it, but now that I know you do I will love. I really am sorry about earlier, it shouldn’t have gotten to the point where you thought I would really leave you.”

“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have overreacted because the waitress wanted you when I know i’m the only one who can have you.”

“Damn straight baby the one and only,” Lucifer says leaning in and kissing you as his wings retract so you both can stand and go to your bedroom.

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