His Savior~ Gabriel

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The door opens to Asmodeus’ throne room and Ketch walks in with you sneaking behind him. Asmodeus is seated on his throne and Gabriel is in a nearby cage that you have yet to notice, your eyes glued on the man who sarcastically says, “Mr. Ketch. Sorry to keep you waitin’.”
Ketch looks over at Gabriel who is huddled in his cage, which draws your attention to it as well, before addressing Asmodeus in an angry tone, “Why am I here?”
“The Winchesters are gathering up pieces to a spell. A real big magic sort of affair.”
“I’ve heard. Their pet angel was just in the Holy Land,” Ketch says causing Asmodeus to lean forward in his throne.
“You knew and didn’t tell me?”
“You didn’t ask.”

Eventually you stopped listening to the two men and focused on the archangel in the cage and the way your heart clenches seeing him that way, until you hear a part of their conversation that sparks your interest.
“Well, if they got the spell from the Demon Tablet, which they did -- some blood, few other things, and whole mess of archangel grace.”

“Ah, and here you are pumping it into your veins,” Ketch says cockily.
“Everyone needs a little pick me up from time to time. But enough about my juice box. It’s time we talk about us. You see...I don’t believe you understand the nature of this relationship.”

“You pay me. I do what needs to be done. End of transaction.”

“Yeah. See. No. It’s more like, I own you,” Asmodeus says stroking his beard.
“You don’t ow--”
“I do! And it’s time you get in line, boy.”
“If that’s how you feel. I believe I’m done here. Good day,” Ketch says turning to leave, but Asmodeus has teleported behind him and is blocking the path to the door.
“You’re done when I say you’re done.”
Gabriel watches in horror as Asmodeus beats Ketch. First he hits Ketch in the stomach, then the face, laughing as he does so. Ketch tries to fight back but is no match for the demon Prince. Using his power, Asmodeus holds Ketch immobile on his knees. Seeing this you go farther into the shadows to hide as you devise a plan to save Gabriel.
“You’re gonna learn, son. You do what I say…” Asmodeus says as he brutally punches Ketch in the face, knocking him to his stomach on the floor, “When I say!”
Asmodeus kicks Ketch in the face. Then he picks Ketch up by the back of his jacket and slams his face into a pillar, “And if you ever even think of sassing me again…” Asmodeus picks Ketch up as if he weighs nothing, and throws him onto a wooden table. The table splinters and collapses. Ketch is bleeding heavily and barely conscious. Asmodeus stops and notices Ketch’s blood that has splattered on his white suit. Annoyed he says, “Ah. Look what you did to my suit,” before he leaves.

You watch him leave still in shock at the brutality of what he just did. Ketch is leaning against the pillar, pulling a broken tooth out of his mouth and spitting blood. Gabriel peers at him through the bars of his cage, drawing Ketch’s attention, “What are you looking at? If I had half your power, I’d…,” he begins angrily before he gets an idea and looks around to confirm that Asmodeus is gone, “In fact…” Ketch hurries over to Gabriel’s cage. Gabriel moans and cringes back in fear.

The sound snaps you out of your trance just as you hear Ketch say, “I believe it’s time to go,” before he lifts the door to the cage and speaks again, “Consider this a rescue.”
Gabriel huddles in the far corner, afraid of Ketch who goes to the cabinet and gets the archangel blade from its case before he returns to Gabriel, “Come on, you. Come on!”
Gabriel is frightened, especially with seeing the archangel blade in Ketch’s hand so he doesn't move. Ketch reaches in and grabs Gabriel’s leg and pulls him out of his cage causing Gabriel to struggle in panic.
“Come on,” Ketch demand before you jump out from your hiding place with a gun drawn and pointing directly at Ketch.

“Let him go,” you demand as you cock the gun.

“I'm trying to help him,” Ketch says as he tries to drag a struggling Gabriel down a corridor in Asmodeus’ lair, “And this would all go so much faster if he just flapped his bloody wings.”

“He's scared you ashat, let his leg go and give me the blade. If you want to help just lead us out of here,” you say as you walk closer and grab the archangel blade from him after you tuck your gun away. Once he is disarmed you slowly make your way towards Gabriel and offer him a hand which he hesitantly takes, “You're okay, I'm here to help you.”
Once you're helping support Gabriel enough to make your way through Asmodeus’ leir Ketch comes upon Wallace who exclaims, “What the hell?”
I toss Ketch my demon blade and he stabs the demon before he tosses the dead demon aside and turns back to us, “Where were we?” He asks leading us the rest of the way out.


Ketch emerges from the Library and when the boys see him they immediately pull their guns on him causing Ketch have his hands up instantly, “Wait.”
“Son of a bitch,” Dean says
“I come in peace,” Ketch pleads before Sam scoffs.
“Yeah, right.”
“And I brought you a gift,” Ketch adds pointing towards you and Gabriel.
“Wait a second. Is that….” Sam says shocked.
“That Gabriel?” Dean asks looking at you and Gabriel from where we sit in a chair at the other end of the map table.
“No, no that’s impossible. He…he’s dead. We -- we saw him die,” Sam says
“Or did you?”
“What’d you do to him?” Dean questions Ketch.
“Not me. Asmodeus. The Prince was holding him prisoner until I liberated the poor man. And I understand you may need an archangel for a spell, perhaps. Well, what luck.”
“We need his grace,”  Sam says and Gabriel begins to screech and moan in fear only for you to grab him and try to calm him.
“No, no, no, no, no. Calm down. Calm down,” you say before Ketch he reaches into his jacket and pulls out one of the vials of grace that Asmodeus had been injecting into himself. He puts it carefully on the table, “Here. Take that. And, uh…” Ketch pulls out the archangel blade and also puts that on the table, “The archangel blade.”
“Why would you… What’s the catch? What do you want?”
“Protection. From Asmodeus.”
“The one you’re working for?” Dean suspiciously asks.
“Was working for. But when he finds out that I stole his prize milk cow, well, I imagine he will hunt me to the ends of the earth. So...this is the only safe place I know.”
Sam scoffs “What? Do you think you’re gonna just move in?”
Ketch hopefully says, “Dibs on the top bunk?” When you hear Ketch ask this you roll your eyes and grab Gabriel's hand slowly leading him to your room.


After some convincing you and Gabriel sit on your bed with everything in front of you. You are using a scalpel and tweezers to remove the stitches from Gabriel’s mouth, your heart silently clenching with each a stitch removed. You didn't know what to expect when you got the last a stitch, but you made sure to have a glass of water beside your bed ready for him if he needed it.

Gabriel downed the whole glass of water and you both sat in silence for a while longer before the boys popped in to say they were leaving. Once she heard the bunker door she knew she had to do something to help Gabe get cleaned up so she slipped out of her room before grabbing some of dean's clothes and going back to him.

“Do you think you can take a shower?” you asked softly placing one of your hands over his gently and he doesn't say anything until you add in, “ill sit right outside if you want.”

He nods softly and you lead him to the bathroom, starting the shower for him you slip to the floor across from the stall and wait. Eventually he gets in, leaving the curtain open to see you, and does everything he needs to before slipping on the new clothes you gave him. Once dressed he gazes at you expectantly and you reach your hand out for him to grab, he takes it willingly following you to the kitchen where you prepare something sweet for him to eat as well as a sandwich before you take him back to your room.

After watching him eat every crumb you lay back on half of your bed leaving the lamp on for him on his side. He unexpectedly lays beside you and curls into your side, after a minute your brain catches up with what's happening and you wrap your body around his cradling him as he lets out a hoarse, whispered ‘thank you’ causing your heart to swell a little. Kissing his forehead on that note you softly say, “I will always try to save you,” before laying there trying to sleep.

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