Chapter 41 - Allurring

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"Looks like it's another story about the kings." Said another female voice that Avil knew and he felt his steps beginning to hasten as he hurried to the end of the tunnel. 

When he emerged from the darkness of it he found himself standing inside what he could only describe as a hollowed out inverted pyramid that was large enough to house another large township's worth of people. The floors and walls were all slanted, going upwards in all directions with small flat platforms and paths carved into the stone to help with balance. But scattered all around those platforms, Avil could see hundreds upon hundreds of stone monoliths standing upright with more Celesty symbols carved into them. What's more was that scattered around the edges of this inverted pyramid were small streams of water. All of which flowed down the paths of this place headed toward the lowest point of this inverted pyramid at the center of the room where the obelisk stood. There he could see the water had gathered around the obelisk which much to Avil's shock was actually levitating.

At the base of the obelisk he could see three lights, one red, blue, and finally the last one being green. They were dancing around each other in a never ending pursuit of each other. But there some yards down Avil saw him, Isa was running around on all fours examining every little thing while Morgan followed after him. Surprisingly enough he also saw Ruin following after them with a Lavian escort which explained how they got in here. Avil hurried down to them leaving Yeva behind waving his arm about as he approached the three of them.

"Hey guys!" He called out make the four of them look up at him as he approached. "I didn't think you'd be here already, when did you show up?"

"Not for very long." Morgan said but Isa jumped up interrupting her. 

"Avil do you see all the rocks?" He exclaimed gesturing to all the monoliths with his outstretched arms. "All of them tell a story about the Three Kings Edo, Mena, and Iam."

Morgan let out a sigh at that while Ruin let out a bit of a chuckle. "I think you mean Iro, Kenra, and Drian." Avil said with a bit of a smile on his face. "Those are the Three Kings of the Celestial Realm, and rulers of all existence."

"Yeah, Morgan was just telling me the story about Iro and his golden rose. It's a good story right Nim?" Isa asked the little dragon with a grin on his face while Nim offered an affirmative chirp in response. "Hey how'd you get in here? They told us only a-"

Isa never got a chance to finish before a loud shrill screech sounded behind them and they both spun around to find an aghast looking Yeva leering at Isa. "Y- you- Beast! What are you doing here, you're tainting this place!"

Avil looked back at Isa and then to Yeva who was holding her hand up with another prismatic glow beginning to form. "Avil help me purge this creature from-"

Morgan's dark clothed figure appeared in front of Isa, her silvery eyes beginning to shimmer with anger. Avil's heart shot up into his throat as he moved to get between the two of them, but thankfully Ruin hurried to defuse the situation by appearing in front of Yeva. "Yeva wait a moment." He said in a calming voice taking her hand into his. His rose colored eyes began to give off a faint glow as he spoke, he was using his own power to calm her down and from the looks of Yeva's face it was working too. "Isa and Morgan are both descended from your King. Use those eyes of yours, look at their Aura and you'll see for yourself that they both have the light of your King's children."

When Ruin's words ended, his eyes ceased their glowing and Yeva's own rainbow eyes began to glow as she looked over both Morgan and Isa. A moment later did she let out a gasp, her hands coming to her mouth while her eyes rested on Isa. "I- I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed bowing her head to him. "I didn't know sir, please take pity on me."

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