"Did she throw mud into your face?" The look on Clarke's face only answered Lexa's question, and the smallest smile crept up onto Lexa's face "she did that to me often when she trained me. Did you win?"

"Only because she was heavily sedated. I found my people later, with Anya still tied up. That was when we agreed to help each other. She wanted to convince you that skaikru and trikru should form an alliance and stop the war."

"But she never made it back" Lexa's smile faded "how?"

"My camp saw us as grounder's. Both of us" Clarke's eyebrows knitted into a self hating frown "the bullet hit her before she could leave"

Lexa let out a harsh sigh as she continued ahead, red dash catching on the delicate flowers near her boots "there is a purpose for every death, Clarke. Anya has joined us together. If you had not handed home her token of death the day you walked into my tent, you would have been the first of your people to die"

"Token of death?" Clarke asked. She couldn't remember a token.

"You cut off a piece of her hair, and brought it to us. It is a tradition of trikru, a tradition known as a token of death" Lexa exhaled once more "I could not thank you enough for returning a piece of her back to me."

Clarke stayed silent after that as they approached the heavily guarded gates of Polis. It seemed like the amount of defence in Polis had tripled since they first arrived here, and by Lexa's quickened pace, she knew something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

Jayden ran the rest of the way to meet his Heda, dark eyes wide and alert as he glanced around.

"What is it, Jayden?" Lexa asked

"Heda, Ice nation attacked." He said, eyes falling on Clarke

"Here?" Clarke asked. Looking at Polis now, there were many guards and warriors, but by a single dead body. No trace of war. She gave Jayden a confused look.


"Then where, Jayden?" Lexa spoke in rushed sentences, growing impatient with her words.


Clarke had been up all night with Raven, attempting to radio in to Arkadia to talk to any survivors. They both knew at heart, through, that they would receive no response.

Raven had explained that Bellamy went on a visit to Arkadia when Azgeda warriors attacked. He found the camp swallowed by flames.

"There has to be someone out there" Clarke ran her hands through her hair "we have to keep trying"

"Clarke, there's only so much I can do, okay!" Raven exclaimed, slamming a hand on the table "If they're dead, they're dead! There's no response! Don't you get that? The radio could have been destroyed in the fire. We have no clue!"

"There's got to be something we can do, Raven!"

"There's nothing!" Raven pushed herself from the table "there's nothing Clarke!"

There was a small knock, and the two girls to find Lexa leant against the doorframe, arms crossed.

"What do you want?" Raven glared. Right now, she hated everyone, and anyone because she was angry. Angry at herself.

I Couldn't Stop CaringWhere stories live. Discover now