Chapter Nine

Beginne am Anfang

"Your wrong." I look over to see Reed getting up from his bed and walking towards the door. "Mutants want nothing, but peace for humans and mutants."

"You except me to believe that. You were a someone who got rid of mutants. What happened Reed?" The man smirks.

"Leave my family alone. Our children died in Atlanta, along with Thunderbird, Blink, Polaris, Eclipse and other mutants."

The man walks away from the jail cell leaving Reed and I alone with no food and no water.

"Reed. What can we do? We need to get out of here."

"Stand back Cait. I can get us out here." Reed replied. Watching Reed putting his hands on the bars and the bars melted.

"Reed, are you a mutant?" I asks him in a quiet voice.

"Yes. My father mustn't have gotten rid of my abilities like he thought he did when I was a kid." Reed whispered back.


Reeva's POV

I couldn't lie to Andrew or Lauren about their parents. If I did they couldn't trust me, and I need them trust me or this operation will never work. Lauren has finally came to her sense of being apart of the Inner Circle with her brother Andrew.

Now that the Fernis ancestory will live on in the Inner Circle name. I have no doubt that of not winning this cause 100%. I had my doubts at first just with Andrew being here, but now I got him and his sisters no one can stop us now. Emse, Phoebe, and Sophie had to inform me that Lorna give her child to Marcos. What a disgrace of her to do that to us.

Today mission will be a lot simple now. Lorna can focus all her energy on her training and missions. I mean I'll miss little Dawn, but she made her choice of what with the little thing. I don't really mind children, but they're sometimes hard to deal with at times.

Waiting in the meeting room. Andrew, Lauren, and Lorna were the first three to arrive with Esme, Phoebe, and Sophie behind them.

"Good, now that your all here. I have a mission for you all that needs to be completed."

"Of course Reeva." Esme replied.

"What kind of..." Phoebe continues.

"Mission is it?" Sophie asks finishing the sentence.

"There is a certain mutant that we could use to help us with our cause. Her name is Twist. Everyone you need to know about her is in this mutant file. Don't let me down. We need this girl before the Mutantunderground gets her. Do you understand?"

"Yes." All of them reply.

"Good now go. Before it's too late."


Wes's POV

Lauren and I have had our first kiss in this building that I live in. Lauren is in a coma. I don't know what she was thinking when she thought she could save Andy

I know Lauren is a fighter, but I need her and so does everyone else here at the underground. Lauren is more then a friend to me.

I love her and I want her to wake up. I've been hiding this girl named Twist and she's on the underground side of this war.

Whatever it takes I'm here to protect Lauren and Twist.

"Anything new with Lauren condition?" Twist asks walking out of her room stretching.

"No not yet. I'm worried she won't wake up. Andy doesn't know anything cause he's with the Hellfireclub, their parents are captured and probably are in worse danger than Andy or Lauren. Twist just promise me that you'll stick with the Mutantunderground."

"I'll try Wes, but what if joining the Hellfireclub side isn't such a bad idea. I mean they seem to have all the upper hand right now and the underground doesn't."

"Twist you promise me that you would help me."

"I know, I know Wes. Just calm down, and get some rest I'll keep an eye out for now and watch Lauren. Get some rest you need your strength." Twist sighs.

Nodding at her request, I walk into another room and fall asleep on the bed worrying about...


The underground...








Baby Dawn....

But more importantly Lauren.

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