I hear someone clear their throat and I push Matt away slightly. I look up and Matt's older brother looking at us with an amused expression. "Sorry to interrupt but mom wants to interrogate Kyle now."

I'm sure my cheeks are beet red considering the fire I feel in my face. I hop off the countertop and start to walk away. Matt grabs my hand before I leave the kitchen.

"We'll be there in a minute Mason." After he leaves, Matt turns to me and looks me in the eye.

I open my mouth but before I can say anything Matt says, "Look, I'm not sorry for kissing you. I know I said that I wanted you to pretend to be with me to meet my parents, but I really just wanted you to be here. I thought that maybe if you met them, then they could convince you to be with me."

His words rumble around in my head but it doesn't make sense. "I'm not the one who needed convincing. You're the one that can't make up your mind. You want me one day then the next you're making out with some random porn star in your room!" Oh no. That wasn't supposed to come out.

"What?" He looks at me like I'm insane.

I said it now so I might as well get to the bottom of it. "I saw you in you classroom with some fake blonde."

"I can explain that." He replies quickly.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just go play pretend."


"So Kyle, how did you guys meet?"

I'm so done with this right now. Matt can do the dirty with any guy he wants to. I'm just mad that I care. We aren't together.

"We met at a restaurant on my birthday." I answer.

"How sweet. Matthew told us that you were still in school. What are you studying?" She pries.

"Well I'm actually no-"

"He wants to be an English major. He even thought about becoming an English teacher." He cuts me off pleading me with his eyes to cooperate.

"Yeah. Matthew has just been so inspiring to me. He's taught me so much in the past few months that we've been together." I put emphasis on the word together.

"I knew we raised you right." His dad said proudly.

"Yes. Matthew is just wonderful. And friendly. He gets along with anyone and everyone." I say, more to Matt than anyone else.

"You never cease to amaze me Matthew!" His mom says.

"Right." I agree.

"Well it's getting late and Kyke and I have been up since early this morning. I think we should call it a night." Matt announces to the group.

"Yes of course dear. Your dad and I will head off to our hotel. Are you sure you're okay with Mason and Mike staying here? Because we can get them a room at our hotel."

"Well-" Matt starts but I cut him off.

"Of course not. We'd love for them to stay. It would be great for the guys to stay here. It'll give Matt some time with his brothers and I'll get to learn more about them."

"Well if you say so."

I have absolutely nothing against his family. In fact, I like them a lot. His brothers are funny once you get past Mike being a little creepy. His parents are very sweet and surprisingly embrace the fact that all of their sons are gay. They seem like great people and even better parents. I just wonder what happened to Matt.

I walk his parents to the door and tell them that it was nice meeting them. When I walk back, Mike and Mason are left in the living room.

"Where's Matt?"

"He went to his room. He thinks you're mad at him." Mason answers.

Did he tell his brothers? "Mad about what?"

"We don't know. He said you guys had an argument and you're still mad." Mason says

"Yeah, he walked away like a sad puppy." Mike contributes.

"I guess I should go talk to him." I say concerned.

"Yeah. See you later then."

"Bye guys."

I walk into 'our' room and I see Matt sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He looks like the life has been taken out of him. I sit next to him and neither of us say anything.

"I didn't have sex with him." He blurts out after a few minutes of silence.

I don't respond, waiting for him to continue.

"He's a new student teacher. He came in and we were getting to know each other. Then he kissed me and...I didn't stop him. I was upset about us and I was confused and it happened Kyle. I made a mistake."

When I still don't respond, he turns to me and looks me in the eyes. "When he kissed me, the only thing I thought of was you."

Yeah until he got to your belt...

"He tried but I stopped him before he could undo my belt." What? "You said that out loud too."

The corner of his lips turn up at the expression on my face. I need to work on that.

"You guys looked pretty cozy."

"I wasn't thinking. I mean I was but it was all about you. I wanted you but I knew I shouldn't. I didn't want to take that risk and I needed something to distract me."

"Well you took a risk with the Mr. Porn. That would have been bad if someone saw."

"I know. It was dumb. What would you have done? I'm not the only one making stupid decisions."

"Me? You are the one that broke my freaking heart!" I say in disbelief. It was slightly loud but I had to stay resonably quiet so I wouldn't wake the boys. "So don't think you can turn this on me."

"I'm not turning anything on you. I was just pointing it out. What have you been doing this entire time?"

"What are you getting at?"

"I know you were hungover when you came here. Hell, you were still drunk!"

"That has absolutely nothing to do with you."

"Yeah? So you go out and get drunk for no reason? What did you meet some guy too?"

"Are you serious?"

"Very. You seem to be so quick to point out everything about me but have you taken a look at yourself? You're not really a saint Kyke."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm not be only one who made mistakes."

"I never said I was perfect."

"Good because you aren't."

"Look I don't need this." I say, getting off the bed walking to the door. My hand reached the knob and I stop. "Why are we doing this?" I whisper.

"Why do we do anything?"

I look back at him. "To distract us from our problems."

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