Chapter 2

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First off I'd like to say merry Christmas to all if those who celebrate it. This chapter is really short but I wanted to put something up for Christmas. Here it is so in hope you like it.

The hours turned to days, and the days to weeks. Loneliness and I had been properly introduced. The once alive leaves on the trees had died out, lost their lustrous green, and fallen. Every moment began mesh and every figure became a blur.

The day I left Matt's house I thought my life was over. I didn't think I could go on. Now, almost two months later, I know that I am nothing without him. Dramatic? Not in the slightest. I know I'm supposed to be with him. He knows it too. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me while I'm taking a test or writing notes. I know he's trying to fight his feelings but it won't work.

Now as I sit at my desk trying to listen to his lecture on participles, my mind betrays me and thinks of the short but amazing times we shared. I think back to when we first met in that bathroom. That was one of the hottest moments in my life and I wish that I could have more of them with him. I wish I could have more cute dates where he cooks me food. I want to be wrapped in his arms while I sleep. I want all of him.

"Okay. As I said I like reading, I'm giving you guys a paper. Now since you've never written for me before, I'll warn you that I'm a tough grader. I want to see a thoughtful and true essay."

He pauses to look at everyone's unanimated faces. "I really just want to gauge your creativity right now. So you have two options. You can either choose to write the goriest scene possible or the most romantic scene possible. It's your choice to pick which topic. You're scene must be at least thee pages long. There are no guidelines for this assignment. Be creative. I want it finished by next Friday." He finishes just as the bell rings. "Kyle I need to see you for a minute." He said as people were packing their things and filing out out the classroom.

Oh crap. What have I done wrong? This is the first time he's spoken to me since the night he pushed me out of his life. I walk to his desk curiously.

"Yes?" He looks up at me with his irresistible eyes and I almost got lost.

"Some of you're old English teachers wrote notes about your writing skills. They say your excellent." He pauses to look at my reaction. I'm shocked to say the least. Sure I like writing in English class and always got good grades but I didn't know that my teachers liked it that much.


"That's why I want you to write and include both topics in your scene."


"I'm sure you can do it. It wouldn't be the the first time you tried to put two things together that don't mix." Wow that was a jerk line and he knows he liked it just as much as I did.

"You know what? Fine. I'll write your stupid scene, whatever. Bye." I roll my eyes and walk to the door.

"I'm not finished yet."

I pause mid-step. What else could he possibly have to say? Is he going to tell me that my scene is due on Monday? I turn to look at him once more.

"You scene is due on Monday. And also, because your teachers find your work so extraordinary, I'm grading all of your writing assignments harsher than the rest of the class."

Again I just roll my eyes and walk out of the room. I mumble, "Of course. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you hate me because we were together and you couldn't handle the taboo relationship."

Great now I have three days to write this scene. Goodbye weekend. I wish we were able to spend some time together.

Having English as the last class of the day really brings my mood down. I get to the parking lot late and all of the students are trying to leave at once. The joys of Driving to school. I turn my radio on and listen to the wide range of genres that pass by on this station.

I pull into my driveway fifteen minutes later to find Mia already there. How does she get here so fast?

With a sigh I unlock the door and head to my room. I crawl into my bed as Mia walks in my room and closes the door behind her.

"What's up?" Why now?

"I'm sleeping. Shh."

"So do you have any plans this weekend?" She asks.

"I wish. My English teacher had a stick stuck so far up hi-"

"Whoa there Ky. Calm down."

"No. That freaking jerk gave me an assignment two times harder than the rest of the class and made it due five days earlier all because he hates me!"

"I'm sure you're just over reacting."

"I may be the prince of all things dramatic but I'm serious."

"Well then why would he hate you and give you that much work?"

"Because he's a childish little crap."

"I'm not following you here."

"He hates me because he thinks that I tried to-" Oh crap. No ones supposed to know about that, "-never mind. He just really hates me."

"No Kyle. What were you about to say?" She pauses coming closer to me. "You're my brother. You can tell me anything and I'm not gonna let some jerk-wad teacher accuse you a stuff. What were you going to say?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it. I was just being dramatic."

Mia keeps prodding me and trying to force the words out of me but I stay silent in my corner of the bed. Mia finally leaves and says, "Seriously Kyle, I'm always here to talk. You know where I live, you have my number. So talk to me whenever you're ready." She then opens the door but but I stop her.

"Mia." It was barely a whisper but she still hears it.


"I really, really love you. You are the best sister anyone could ask for."

She smiles and closes the door. She knows that that comment didn't need a reply, and that's what made me inspired to write my scene for Matt. I'm going to make this scene amazing and he's going to have I give me an A. I can't wait to see the expression on his face!

I sit down at my desk by the window and write. I won't stop until I have that bright red A on the top of my paper. Three hours, two pepsis, and a headache later, my scene is finally finished.

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I love him. He may be acting like a douche right now but I can't deny the fact that I love him. I want to be with him and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen and that's a promise.

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