Happy Birthday to Me

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I walked into school with a smile on my face. All I have to do is grab my work from my teachers and leave the school. Today is my birthday. Every year my parents my sister and I out on our birthdays. We spend they day together and then we get the night to ourselves.

I walk from class to class, collecting my assignments. People stopped me to wish me a happy birthday. When I finished I met up with Mia at her locker.

"Are you ready to leave yet?" I said, mentally screaming at her to hurry.

"Yes Kyle. I've been waiting for you to get here." She retorted and shook her head. "Let's go."

We walked to our parents', waiting car. We went into the city to a fancy restaurant. "Mom what are we doing here? We aren't exactly dressed for this kind of place." Mia questioned.

"That's why we brought you guys clothes. They're in the trunk. You can change in the 711." She said. Dad laughed at Mia's face. "We have reservations so we'll meet you in there. Hurry."

Mia and I went around to the trunk and got the bags with our clothes in it. We walked into the store and headed to the bathrooms.

I opened the bag and pulled out black dress pants then a long sleeved gray shirt. My mom must have picked this out. If my dad had, it would have been a disaster. I'm pretty convinced that she dresses him in the morning.

I pulled off my jeans and t-shirt. I put on the clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I liked it. The grey of the shirt made my blue eyes pop. I messed up my brown hair so it wouldn't look like I was trying too hard. What? I over think things.

I picked up my school clothes and put them in the bag. I opened the door and saw an angry Mia staring at me.

"Could you have taken any longer Kyle? Mom and dad are waiting."

"Okay, okay. I didn't even take that long."

"You were in there for 15 minutes." Oh.

I said nothing. Mia started walking away from me. I noticed her long blue dress. It came all the way down to her feet. It flowed when she walked and sparkled when we got outside. We stopped by the car to throw our bags in it.

Walking into the restaurant, we were greeted by the hostess. She smiled brightly and said, "Good afternoon."

"Hello. Our parents already went to our table. Lewis." Mia said.

"Of course. Right this way please."

"Thank you."

She led us to our table and we sat down, thanking her again.

"You guys look lovely." Mom said.

"Thanks." Mia said. I just smiled. I was too busy staring to speak. On the other side of the building was the most attractive man I had ever seen in my life. I'm pretty sure that I was drooling.

His slightly wavy hair fell on his shoulders. He leaned back in his chair laughing. I imagined the things I could do to him in that chair. My hands gliding across his toned chest as I kiss his neck.

Someone cleared their throat pulling me from my fantasies. I forgot that I was staring..

I focus back on my family. "Sorry what?"

"Is everything okay? You just zoned out." Mom said.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I just," I pause trying to think of an excuse, "saw something that I wanted to try. It looked really good.'" It wasn't a lie. That guy, whoever he is, is one fine piece of...

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