Chapter 8

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So I've come to the conclusion that I'll tell my parents after they announce the winner of the overall competition. I'm honestly scared to death of their reaction. This is more than Alec, Hanna, or Mia finding out. These are my parents. If they hate the idea of their only son being gay then I don't know what could happen. They could start to hate me, kick me out, hell, they could disown me. Then what would I do? I'd be mentally orphaned and homeless, hated by the ones who are supposed to love me unconditionally.

Then if Matt decides that it's too much for him to be with me then I'll be forever alone. Well not forever but it'd be a lot to take in all at once. I'd probably fall into a deep depression or something. I'd give up on life and senior year would be pure hell. I would only have Alec and Hanna to help me get through it and that's basically like having no one. I love my two best friends dearly but when it comes to getting through a tough situation I can't count on them for crap.

Enough of this depressing emotional stuff. It's Saturday and I just want to party. Yesterday was the last day of school before winter break so now I have two weeks of freedom. And tonight I'm going to party.

I meet up with Alec and Hanna at Alec's house. We had a plan to go all out and be crazy for the next two weeks. We arrive at some girl's house for the party and by 11 the yard was full of people passed out or escaping the overheated house filled with drunk and horny teenagers.

"Alec who's party is this?" I yell over the music that is blaring. I don't know how the cops aren't being called right now. I mean this is a suburban party. It's not some mansion with no other houses for miles.

"It's some girl from North Bay. I think her name is..I don't know. Something or another. It doesn't matter let's just get wasted and have some fun."

"Yeah. Let's forget our worries and party all night long." Hanna says throwing her arms in the air almost whacking Alec in the face.

That was the last I saw of them. We enter the house and immediately got separated. I head to the kitchen to grab a beer. I grab a corona a bring the cold bottle to my mouth. Just my luck though, someone smashes into me and my corona goes all over me and the girl looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to! I was just walking and I just ran into you. Your shirt is all messed up now! I'm sorry. Let me get you a new one or something. I'll get Jake. He'll help you." This girl's eyes just got wider as she spoke. She didn't stop for a breath the entire time.

She grabs my hand and leads me through the mass of bodies clumped together dancing. I'm lead down a hall and into a room with a few guys in it. The walls were white and a couch and two armchairs were places in front of a tv. The people were sprawled out on the couch and chairs watching a movie.

"Jake!" Is this girl drunk or is she always like this? a guy, who I'm assuming is Jake, looks up.

"Yeah?" He says looking lazily over at us. I guess he notices our wet shirts because he raises an eyebrow at us amused. "What happened here?" He says as he points between the two of us.

"I was walking in the kitchen and I just ran into him and I made him spill his drink all over us and I told him I'd find you so you could give him one of your shirts that you left here or something. I mean I feel bad because-"

"Okay thanks Bri. I didn't need an entire replay of the event. I'll be back guys." He says. He gets up and leads me out of the room. When we get back into the crowd he grabs my hand so we wouldn't be separated. I notice something changes on his face. Maybe my hands are cold or something. Jake takes me to a room upstairs. He goes to the closet a comes back with a shirt for me.

"Thanks. You didn't really have to though."

"It's cool. I mean Briana is...interesting to say the least. She's cool but she's crazy. And when she gets drunk, she can be too much to handle. I thought it would be a while longer before she got drunk but I was wrong." He explains to me.

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