She Thinks I'm Cool

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Gladion's eyes sharply followed the yellow things movements. From right to left to up to down.

He soon got tired of just trying to grab it. He took a Pokéball out. "Lycanrock, show your crimson glare!"

The dusk Pokémon emerged from its ball, letting out a loud growl. In a flash, he was gone, and in the blink of an eye, he came back, with a Pikachu in his hands.

Gladion bent down slightly and leaned in, so he and the Pikachu were looking at each other straight in the eye. "Well, it's kind of cute I guess," He smiled, "a Pikachu."

Pikachu my foot.

Slowly, the Pikachu' skin became wrinkled and thin, before falling to the floor. Lycanrock, who was shocked by rarely anything, dropped the Pokémon and cautiously backed away. It was not a Pikachu. It was a Mimikyu.

One thing you should know about Gladion is that he's darkly afraid of Mimikyus — all of them, do to the fact that about a year ago a team of Mimikyus beat all of his Pokémon and stole all of his Pecha Berries.

Gladion fell to the floor, landing on his rear end. The Mimikyu set a perfect landing on its feet, assuming it had feet.

Gladion started Krabby-crawling away, as the Mimikyu stalked slowly towards him. He chuckled before looking to Lycanrock, before finding that the Pokémon was gone. Lycanrock's Pokéball wiggled slightly.

The blonde boy groaned in frustration and agony. His very own Pokémon went in it's very own Pokéball for its very own safety.

Gladion reached into his bag, pulling out a random object. A Pecha Berry. "Uh," he laughed nervously, a bit out of character for a moment. It was a side effect from his shock, something that regularly happened. "Would you like some?"

<• Meanwhile •>

Moon smiled as she held up a shiny red Pokéball, which contained a Kantonian Pikachu, "I wonder how Sun will react to this..."

Her Litten and Charmeleon growled, but not that bad kind, simply a growl that stated, "I don't know."

But of course, Moon couldn't understand Pokémon. For now. Well, pay no mind to that. It's just a little thought the author is thinking about putting into future chapters... let's get back to the story.

Moon heard a boy. A crying boy. She curiously wandered towards the noise.

To her surprise, there was a boy, around her age. Mustering the sweetest voice she could manage, Moon bent down, face to face with the boy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked him.

The boy sniffled, "I was finding a Kanto Pichu, and then... it disappeared!"

The boy had bright orange hair and yellow shoes and a sweatshirt.

Moon chuckled mentally at his odd grammar. Then it clicked. "Were you trying to catch this Pokémon?"

The boy nodded. Moon got out a Pokéball, containing a certain electric type Pokémon.

She grabbed the boy's hand and placed the Pokéball in it.

Moon rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry, if I'd have known you wanted it, I never would've caught it."

The boy stopped crying, almost immediately. Sniffling, he asked, "Is this for me?"

Moon smiled as she nodded.

The boy gave her a lopsided smile as he happily took the Pokéball from Moon's hands.

"Thank you, Miss!" He smiled cheerfully as Moon skipped away.

She looked over her shoulder and waved at him, "Bye!"

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