A Flash of Yellow

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<• Moon's POV •>

       We've been searching for Nebby for a while, and I was beginning to get really worried. I headed to Iki Town. I asked around, until I came across an old fisherman, who said that Nebby went up Mahalo Trail.

       "Thank you," I told him before rushing along Mahalo Trail. When I got to the top, I saw the cosmic Pokémon being attacked by a bunch of Spearow on a rusty creaky bridge. At that moment, I didn't know what to do.

Instinctively, I reached to the side of my hip, only to remember that I left Charmeleon with Gladion, when her shoulder was burning from his tail, I also remember the fact that when I left Charmeleon with Gladion, I ran off so I didn't know where he was. . I dove onto the creaky bridge and grabbed Nebby.

<• Gladion's POV •>

I looked around for Moon. Her Charmeleon was getting on my nerves and I wanted to return it to her.

<• Moon's POV •>

For a moment, I just stood there, frozen. But then I remembered that I didn't come here to fight, I came to find Nebby. I dove onto the old bridge as it rocked from side to side. I heard a cracking sound. My eyes widened as I looked over my shoulder. The rope was stretching. How cliché.

    I ran over to Nebby and grabbed it with one hand. I used the other to grab onto one of the good boards. My feet hooked onto some other boards. I did my best to climb the bridge, but it was hard with Nebby in one of my hands.

   "Nebby," I said to it, "I'm sorry for this, but you'll need to trust me." A shocked expression crossed its face when I put it on my head and whipped out a Pokéball.

<• Gladion's POV •>

    I asked around Iki Town if they had seen a short girl with short black hair. An old fisherman told me that she went up Mahalo Trail. I took my time climbing up, but I regret going faster.

    When I reached the top. I saw Moon dive onto a rusty looking bridge. My eyes went big. I wanted to call out her name, or at least move, but I was too frightened. I mean, what do you expect me to do when an acquaintance of mine dives into a bridge that's about to break, with the will of saving a total stranger's Pokémon?

    Moon grabbed Nebby with one hand, and grabbed a wooden board with the other.

    Then suddenly, the rope snapped and my gaze shifted to the falling boards. Moon had a hard time climbing the bridge with the weight of Nebby. Then she said something almost inaudible. "Nebby, I'm sorry for this but you have to trust me."

     She put Nebby on her shoulder and quickly took out a Pokéball. She pressed it onto Nebby's body as And Nebby disappeared into the ball.

    I could tell that Nebby was struggling to get out, so Moon climbed the bridge as quickly as she could... she tossed the Pokéball onto land, before the other ropes snapped, and she headed straight to the water.

<• Lillie's POV •>

     Hau and I wanted to take a break, so we looked for Gladion and Moon. We already found Sun and Mallow. We asked around to see if anybody had seen a blonde boy with banana-French fry hair and a short girl with short black hair. An old fisherman said that they went up Mahalo Trail.

     When we got up, we saw Gladion staring forwards for some odd reason. "Hey Gl—" Hau began, before he took a look at whatever Gladion was looking at. He covered his mouth and pointed to the view in front of him.

    "Are you o—" Hau used his hands to point my head at what they were staring at. It was Moon. She was hanging from the bridge, with Nebby in one of her arms. "Oh my Arceus..." I murmured. It was a wonder that Gladion didn't hear us.

    She said something to Nebby, but I couldn't make out what, because, well, I have bad ears.

    Suddenly she put Nebby on her head and took out a Pokéball. She pressed it onto Nebby's body. Moon slipped the Pokéball into her pocket and climbed as far as she could. But she heard the rope stretch. We all heard it.

    Grabbing the Pokéball, Moon bravely stood on her tippy toes on the wooden board and threw it up onto the ground.

      I took a couple steps forwards. Moon could make it right? ...I was wrong.

<• Mallow's POV •>

Sun and I ran as fast as we could to catch up with Hau and Lillie. What we saw surprised us. There was Moon. Hanging off the bridge. Hau, Lillie, and Gladion were staring at her.

She threw a Pokéball onto the ground. "M-MOON!" Sun cried out. Moon fell backwards as the ropes snapped. Then, a flash of yellow zoomed into her.



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