He is Indeed Quite Interesting

697 10 15

(it's not sunday today)

Everybody went off; with Sun going west, Lillie and Hau going north, and Gladion and Moon going east.

"Alright..." Moon grunted as she waded through tall grass.

"Finding a Pokémon is going to take a while. It's not like one will pop up the second you look for one." Gladion stated simply.

"I found one!" Moon exclaimed happily as she released her Litten. A quite frightened Pichu stood his ground. Moon's Rotom Dex began chattering off. "Charmeleon, standby." She told her Pokémon that was trailing behind her.

"A Pichu?" Gladion murmured as he imagined Moon with a flying Raichu by her side. He snorted. Come to mention it, why didn't Ash ever give his Pikachu a thunderstone? He'd have to ask him sometime.

"Litten, use Em..." the girl stopped mid-sentence.

"Wait, Rotom Dex, you said it was what?" Moon asked.

"A Kantonian Pichu," it said, "It'z quite rare to see one of them here."

Moon began thinking of Sun and how great and cool he would look if he had a Kantonian Raichu to his aid.

"Well let's get started then!" Moon smirked.

"Litten, use Ember!"

Litten growled before letting firey embers release from his mouth.

The wild Pichu used Spark, "Dodge it, Litten!" Moon exclaimed.

Gladion watched the girl battle. But beyond the tall grass, another small yellow figure zoomed away.

Raising an eyebrow, he brought out his Umbreon. "Let's see what that thing is up to..."

He left Moon battling as he disappeared into the tall grass.

<• Meanwhile... •>

Though Lillie wasn't planning on battling any Pokémon, she left to the wilderness with Hau, so she could leave Gladion alone with Moon.

"I wonder how they're doing..." she murmured anxiously.

"Same," Hau agreed, as he pushed away as he pushed away a tree branch,

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Lillie asked him. She thought it was quite obvious that she wanted to leave Gladion and Moon alone, "It was to leave Gladion and Moon alone."

"Oh! Of course, haha. I was just wondering because you I thought you were scared of Pokémon," he chuckled sheepishly.

However, Hau didn't feel that great on the inside. 'Of course it was for Gladion and Moon! I'm so stupid, haha. She obviously didn't want to come... for me...'

Lillie sighed as Hau recollected himself. Though she said it wasn't for him, she felt a twinge of... something in her. It wasn't guilt, nor was it jealousy. Something on the lines of... lies.

Hau began shoving some bushes over before he found something. Something amazing. Something beautiful. Something that describes Lillie- er - perhaps not.

After all, Hau couldn't possibly be thinking these kinds of things about his friend.

I mean, they are friends right? Hau panicked. They've done some friendly things right?

After having a small panic attack, he pacified himself and set it to panic later.

Shaking himself off for the hundredth time ever, he turned to Lillie, "Check this out, Lillie! I found something awesome!"

Lillie flipped around. As soon as her eyes made contact with what was behind Hau, she felt... ecstatic.

"Wonderful..." Lillie whispered as she slowly walked towards the place.

Walking became jogging, and jogging became running, and running became-

Running came to an abrupt stop. There she was, our favorite blonde Lillie, with her face right on the ground. This is what you call a face plant.

"Lillie! Are you okay?" As soon as Hau caught sight of her, he ran right to her side.

Lillie laughed, "I'm fine." Hau smiled, nodding.

The place that Hau found was a garden, and a beautiful one at that. Pokémon were scattered everywhere. They had such joyous looks on their faces.

Hau took out his Rotom Dex and scanned one of the Pokémon. A Crabrawler, lying in a big pile of berries.

"Well, let's go," Hau fully turning around.

"Wait, what? Weren't you going to catch a Pokémon?" Lillie asked him, puzzled.

"Well, just look at their faces for a moment," Hau looked over his shoulder, "They're so happy, and I don't want to take their freedom away."

He shook his head as he smiled. "Let's go, Lillie. We'll find another Pokémon."

Lillie watched him in awe as he walked away. I mean, he's sweet, considerate, and maybe even a little bit cute. Wait, cute? No, Lillie. Bad Lillie. He's just a friend.

Hau noticed Lillie was just standing there. "Hey, you coming?" He asked.

Lillie gently slapped both of her cheeks and violently swung her head side to side, "Yeah."

The boy nodded as Lillie caught up to him. A certain Pokémon eyed the green haired trainer, a sharp glint in its eye. This boy was indeed quite interesting...

Hey hey (are you free free today)

Okay I'm sorry. (No I'm not)

Anyways, I just wanted to let all of my dear readers know that I'm changing the update schedule! Here is how it goes...
<• Probability •>
(No | Maybe | Probably | Yes)

Sunday: Yes
Monday: No
Tuesday: Maybe
Wednesday: Probably
Thursday: Yes
Friday: Maybe
Saturday: Maybe

Anyways, thank you all for reading! I'll see you next time, then.

Anyways, thank you all for reading! I'll see you next time, then

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... I'm not really that sorry.

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