Day 84: 12/10/2018

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This all happened a few days ago but it made me really happy so I think it deserves it's own chapter.

So, Wednesday was culture day at my school which is essentially a day where we get to dress up in the traditional clothing of one of the (many) ethnicities which make up my country. So anyway, because I do I do history, I had a presentation to do that day. There were four groups (two groups for each class) and each group was assigned an ethnic group they had to present on. For our presentations, we had to set up booths in the courtyard. All the booths had a tonne of posters, food and we even had performances for each booth. It was an entire thing and I was really anxious about it because it and my history teacher is notorious for marking really hard.

The good thing about the presentation was that because it was an entire thing, all the history students (about 40 of us) essentially didn't have to go to class for the day. Anyway, the presentation happens and my group actually does really well. After our presentation, most of us just stayed under our booths(because we didn't want to go back to class AND it was really cool and raining) and danced to music (or rather the others danced to music and I rocked awkwardly). 

Eventually, I did end up going to one class though (because it was one of the subjects I struggled the most with), but it was pretty chill so that was fine. Anyway, school ended, I went to club and then finally got to go home and relax. However, the good news just kept rolling in after that because not long after I got home I got this email saying that I won this award thing from my school that I had been working for for a really long time. Granted, I don't know what it's for yet and it could very well be for something like citizenship but I've been working so hard to get it for so long that I honestly couldn't care less about what I got it for.

Anyway, that's why Wednesday was a really good day for me.

Also, can we please appreciate Dodie more? Like, please?

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