Day 55: 17/3/2018

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I admire my ability to find the best in people. (I'm not too sure if I've spoken about this already at this point but eh just role with it).

For a while now I've noticed that I people watch a lot. And I mean a lot. And well when I do, I just seem to notice all the little things, like unique mannerisms and such and I guess subconsciously I just start to find those little things cute in a way. Like not in the ' oh that guy is cute' way but more like a precious/innocent way. And idk, no matter who it is or how long I've known them, I always manage to find one of these little quirks to admire in a person.

And it isn't even limited to the physical things either. I find myself admiring the way people speak, how they light up when they're happy and just a lot of other things that some people may or may not notice.

Honestly I thought this was a bit creepy until literally two minutes ago but idk. What do you guys think?

I probably, most likely, definitely used this song already but I don't care. I absolutely adore it and I just wanna show some appreciation for my boy Jin yknow

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