Day 80: 12/8/2018

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Something that makes me really happy, especially right now is developing my characters.

There's something about weaving each individual personality and backstory that makes me really happy sometimes. Like right now while I'm working on "Evergreen", developing Ester and Virgil is just really fun for me.

Like apart from just deciding on their core personalities, faults, dreams and whatever, I also get to decide their style, likes, dislikes, everything really and ugh it's a bit hard for me to put into proper words. But like for Virgil, right now I'm settling on his style and it is inexplicably fun for me.

Like just searching up different styles and outfits and imagining how Virgil's personality would shape what he chooses to wear and vice versa is strangely exciting. And like trying to tie those things into the story is even more fun. Like Virgil wears this particular sweater because he knows it makes Esther happy and he likes making Esther happy and just ugh.

I'm sorry for this all over the place gushing but I'm just really happy right now.

Also, I really like the song up top. I love Marina and I should really listen to her more. She's honestly amazing

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