Day 58: 3/4/2018

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Uh hey...It's been a while. A long while actually. To be honest I don't know why I stopped writing, well not really. But I just did and now, I want to come back. 

So, usually I don't mention what I'm writing to y'all, or to the two people that still tolerate my flaky ass at this point, but maybe that's why I suck so bad at keeping myself focused? Cause I don't have the motivation? Maybe but I'm not sure.

Anyhue, I'll be editing and finishing 'Across the Veil', the short story I was writing for the 'Open Novella Contest'. I wanted to finally write for an idea I've been sitting on for a while now but I thought that finishing this was something that just needed to be done? What do you guys think?

Also can we like take a minute to just appreciate this? This absolute gem has me in tears.

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