Day 82: 20/8/2018

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Believe it or not dancing makes me happy.

I faintly believe talking about this a bit before in a previous chapter but I wanna elaborate on it a bit. Then I focused mainly on watching dancing.
But now I want to go a bit more in depth.

Yes, I still love watching people dance to the core of my being. There's just something so wonderful and breathtaking about watching people dance. Whether their movements are sharp and precise, graceful and fluid or powerful and effective. I love watching it all.

But there's something about dancing myself that just makes me incredibly happy. Granted I have two left feet and can't match a beat to save my life. However, when I'm left alone and I don't focus on the details and I just flail about, or (try to) replicate a dance I like, I just feel so free and happy. Like for just a moment, there's nothing keeping me back.

It's amazing really.

Although I do want to learn how to dance one day so that my gleeful flailing might seem more purposeful.

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