Day 37: 14/2/2018

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What no I didn't fall asleep after a full day of screaming my lungs out and walking about like I had no place to sit. What how ludicrous.

But on a serious note, Happy Almost end of Valentine's Day. I haven't been able to properly dedicate time to writing today but in the few moments that I do have I just wanna touch on how important it is to let the people around you know how you feel about them.

Not just today but everyday. Let those you care for know how deeply you care for them. It doesn't have to be an extravagant gesture. A bright smile or a piece of chocolate or even a small squeeze at the end of a hug can help convey how much this person means to you as a friend (or whatever they are to you). Just make sure that the people you love know deep down that you really do love them because life is a fragile yet beautiful thing and at any moment it could all just melt away.

That got slightly moody there, sorry, but I really do mean it. Share your love and just help make someone's day a bit brighter.

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