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I take the car out of park and start the drive home. I dont live to far from Phil, but I have only seen him few times because I leave for school so late. Normally Im a flailing mess in the morning, trying to get dressed in my school clothes, but today is different. For once I didn't care if I was late this morning. I guess it worked in my favors as I am now with Phil. I am curious on why he is so apprehensive to explain his current and Phil must be able to tell.

"I'll tell you later. I just..." he looks down and I put my hand on his thiegh to let him know I care. He tensed up and goes to speak, but I cut him off.

"It's ok. You don't need to tell me until you really want to. Plus, why focus on that when you can focus on my grade A tunes!" I give him a big smile and move my hand to the CD in dash. I slip it into the player and turn up the volume. Panic! at the Disco plays loudly out the speakers and I jokingly dance a little. Phil crosses his legs and fluffs up his sweater. He is red in the face, I assume from the sudden loudness, but I'm happy he isnt as upset as before. Phil may be emotional, but I don't mind cheering him up. After all, it's the least I can do considering he saves me all he time.

I turn into my small driveway, slowly brake, and put the car in park. The music silences as I turn the key. I go to open the door, stopping when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Dan. Really, thank you." Phil speaks in a slightly hushed tone as he adverts his eyes from me. His genuine words make me feel appreciated and as if I had made an actual friend. I find myself smiling and for once it wasn't forced.

"Your welcome Phil. It's the least I can do. You have done so much for me, even though you didn't have to." I fully open the door and step out of the car. Phil does the same and when both doors are shut I lock it. I go to take a step, forgetting that my leg was hurt and in the process dropping the few things I had in my hand to catch myself on the hood of the car.

Phil's POV

The appartment building is large on the outside. A brick foundation with high roofs. It is trully a beautiful mix of modern and brick style. Nice wide windows cover the walls and the brown shaded doors are scattered around the base of the building. There are only four of them to the two story building and everyone had nice plants outside of them. In between the doors are windows with plants hooked on them. It all looks so aesthetic and inspiring.

I hear some stuff fall and I turn around to see Dan struggling to stand. He is leaning against the car with a look of pain is spread across his face.

"Dan! Are you ok?" I question him worriedly as I hurry over to him. When I get there he is in one knee trying to pick up his book, phone, and keys. I stand directly in front of him and he he give an annoyed moan. Hearing it, I rush to pull my shirt down, my face turning increasingly red. Dan looks up at me, his face uncomfortably close to my crotch, and gives me a confused look.
"I- I just feel bad for not be in there to help you thats all." I rush out my words as Dan stands up again. I slide my arm around him and we walk over to the door of the house. Dan hands me the keys and I unlock the door, giving it push open.

I walk in with Dan still holding me for support. There were multiple pairs of shoes down in the metal rack so I conclude mine should go there as well. I slide them off revealing my cactus socks and Dan giggles.

"Cactus socks? I pictured skull socks or something." He laughs a little more while saying this and a small wave of guild washes over me.

Was a really that mean to him? I guess I never noticed.

"Heeey. I'm not that mean." I pause for dramatic effect, "for the now part that is." Both me and Dan laugh after this and I can help but notice that his laugh as unusually light and innocent.  Dan takes his shoes off and we walk I to the next room.

It's a black and grey living space that has mostly modern furniture filling it. A grey couch and matching chair complemented by a black and yellow rug. Sitting on top of the rug is a long coffee table that sits low to the grown. It's glass top perfectly clean, only three yellow candles placed among the smooth surface. Along with some additional house plants speckled around  the room there are some paintings nailed to the wall. The kitchen is connected, however a small, sleek breakfast bar separate them. The kitchen is also modern with black appliances, the only color comming from a couple yellow dish rags draped along the cupboard doors.

"Wow this is really nice, and it's just you here?" I question, taken aback by the well styled rooms.

"Yup. Let's go to my room. I have a t.v. in there with a bunch of video games!" Dan sound excited to show off his room so I comply and follow him directly forward. We head up the dark wooden stairs, both clinging to the hand rail as Dan still can't walk. Once we reach the top I scan the surrounding area.

A door in front of me was open to a large bathroom that housed a large stand shower, a double sink, and separate small room I assume has the toilet. It as pretty nice from what little bits I can see.

"My room is down there." Dan points to his right with his head and I lead us down the hall. I reach a closed door and push it open with my free hand. I reach around for a light switch and flick it on. The room is amazing. It has nerdy posters on the wall, a desk with a seemingly nice computer sitting atop it, a large closet to the left of the room, along with a dresser next to a bed. The bed is large and has black and white checker on it. The room is nothing as I would expect the "pastel boy" Daniel to live in. The floor is a light grey and the walls are almost black with some stars speckled on them.

"We can sit on my bed and play if you want!" The tv is to the right of me sitting in front of the bed for a perfect view. After a moment of being shocked I finally force out some words.

"Yea sure. That would be fun." I respond as I walk Dan over to the bed and plop him down.

"Let's play Mario cart?" Dan questions me with his expectant words.

"Let's play Mario cart." I reply, making my point final with an affirming nod.

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