1 6 - S I X T E E N - 1 6

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Phil's POV

After getting out of the car with Dan I walk with him to the school. We don't share the same first hour, yet we find ourselves walking as if we do.

I like being in Dan's company even if I don't like admitting it myself. He is funny and giggly in a way that makes him somehow cuter. I still need to keep my guard up though, who knows what his real intentions are.

"Phil?" Hearing him say my name in a whispered tone like he did in my dream was everything; it makes me blush just remembering. However, it is upsetting that he gets me so worked up.

"What Daniel." I try to reply shortly so maybe he drops the 'Please be my friend act'. I doubt it will happen though, due to the fact I've been trying.

"I have a class to get to, but I'll catch you later. Okay?" He shoots me a smile, so I know I failed to stop him.

"Yea, whatever." I feel happier than I did this morning, yet a tinny bit defeated as well. Turning away from Dan I walk down the hall to my class.

Dan's POV

"Yea, whatever" Phil's words echo in my head as he turns away from me. Starting to class, I sigh as I think of having a friend. He told me he didn't want to be my friend last week, but I think he is giving up on the whole 'Tough guy act'. I don't mind though. He doesn't effect me the way I do to him. I usually don't take things personally and don't get annoyed. Phil, on the other hand, over reacts to everything I say. If I offer him something, he gets embarrassed. If I ask for something or even smile at him, he gets defensive and upset.  However, Phil is starting to grow on me. I know he doesn't, but I consider him a friend. He saved me from the party and I gave him a ride to school, isn't that what friend do? I guess I wouldn't know, considering Phil is the first person to treat me like one.

I look around the halls, now that I'm not distracted with talking to Phil, and realize I'm getting looks. People giggle and point to me, seemingly whispering about things on their phones. I can feel eyes burning into my back, but unlike others I don't mind. I am used to being weird and different so what's the point in worrying what others think.

"Dan!" Suddenly, Felix approaches me obviously enraged about something.

"Felix." I respond with a smile and act oblivious; He doesn't react well to this however.

Felix, stepping forward, has now backed me into a locker. I see Phil in the corner of my eye. He looks scared for me, but as soon as he notices me returning his stare, he paces away quickly.

"Look at me!" Felix yells so closely I can feel his spit on my face. I wonder if this is how Phil felt when I yelled at him. I feel guilt when I put myself in his place, but Felix doesnt feel the same guilt toward me.

"You slipped away from the party. Do you really think that's ok? Where did you head, some guys house? Fucking gay!" He shoves me against the locker hard enough for me to react by tensing up in agony.

"You in pain? Well it hasn't even started yet!" He pushes himself off of me and backs away. Right when I think it's over, he comes at me again. His fist comes in contact with my face, Pain shooting through my cheek and tears threatening my eyes. I fall to the ground and a new wave of pain hits as I get kicked from all over.

"Knock it off!" Suddenly a voice brakes through everyones insults and mocking. I hear the person aproch, making everyone else walks away. My eyes refuse to open due to pain and exhaustion. The person behind me feels closer now and I assume the are sitting beside me against the locker. A single tear slides down my face as a hand falls apon my shoulder.

"Phil?" I pause for a moment to process everything. We sit a few seconds in silence until I have determined what to say. "Why are you here" I try to act normal and use my cheery voice, but it insists on cracking. I stare at the opposite lockers, not moving only  smiling like I is usually do. However it doen't matter due to the fact Phil only gazes at the back of my head.

"Does it matter?" He reply with the  words we have said to each other many times. We'd said them angrily, sadly, sexually even, but now it's different. For once, Phil is talking to me in a sweet soft voice, as if he were to speak to a child. It is unusual for me to hear him this way, though I find it soothing. I guess maybe he doesn't hate me after all.

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