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   It's been a few days since that incident with Dan happened. So far this week, nothing new happened, I just went to school and hung out with Chris and Pj. However, we only see each other during lunch and the few classes I have with them.

First period: Art

I spend most of this class just drawing whatever comes to my head, seeing as I finish the given projects with half the time. I share the class with PJ, yet we don't really talk much in that class.

Second Period: Math

Pretty easy subject, tests are the only thing that matter, so Chris and PJ help me study. We helps that we sit next to each other too. 

Third Period: English 

Boring. Just, boring. Nothing else.


Fourth Period: History 

Nice to relax and talk with Chris and Pj. Dan tries to talk to talk with me, despite me always ignore him or flat out tell him to go away.

Fifth Period: Science

I sit next to Daniel and he is super annoying. Asking about my weekend, if I have any plans, he even tried to get me to hangout with him once. Ew

Sixth Period: Gym (Chris)

Me and Chris both are super unfit, so we tend to struggle in this class. We have a fun time making fun of each other though.

Seventh Period: Study Hall/Free Hour

I always sit in the corner of the library, an ensured way no one will talk to you. I see Daniel sometimes, but not often, which I am thankful for.

My daily schedule isn't that bad, even so, that does not mean I look forward to it. Today is Wednesday and I'm still in bed, thinking about whats happened the past days to pass time. I despise mornings with their bright sunshine, birds singing, and loud alarms forcing you to getting up. What is the point of it all anyway? Our lives are meaningless and weather I get up and go to school doesn't mean anything in the big scene of the universe. I try to brush off my melancholic thoughts and slowly crawl out of bed, still trying to adjust to my surroundings.

Today I decide to wear some black skinny jeans with holes in them and a dark grey shirt. I grab some black earnings and put them in as well. Pulling on some grey shoes, a dark denim jacket, and matching beanie, I grab my keys and walk outside. I make sure to say goodbye to Martin and am kind of glad my mum isn't home.

I am running a bit late this morning so I rush more than usual on my walk to the school. At the gates I meet up with PJ and Chris.

"Good Morning Phil!" Chris says to me happily. I love my friends, although when it's early and I am crabby, happy people make me cringe. I try to behave even though my instinct is to reply snappily.

"Good Morning guys." I sigh as I reply and walk past them. It's not like I dislike them, it's just that some mornings I don't feel like socializing. They tend to know this so when I do just walk past them they shrug it off and go to their lockers.

Opening my locker I take out my binder and a small pencil bag for art. I am kind of glad I have the class with PJ so I don't have to sit with anyone I dislike. Not many people dislike me, in fact while walking through the halls some people wave to me. I may not like them, but I brush of the bad feelings and give a fake smile back to everyone who does so.

Once I arrive at the class I walk in, greet some people casually, and slump into my desk. I pull out my art book and start drawing off the top of my mind. I sketch some lines, do some light shading, add some darker lines, and erase to add some highlights. The picture is split in half. On one side there appears to be a curly haired boy slumped against a wall and on the opposing side is a different boy slumped on the same wall.

Due to my concentration, I miss role call. The teacher seems to be used to me not responding though. There isn't much time left of class so I pack up and stare at the desk until the bell rings. Once it does I walk out of class with PJ and we both go to meet Chris at our math class. We get there and both sit down at our usual spots. I pay attention during class due to the fact that I need a better grade. I somewhat enjoy this class, but I don't like it as much as my free hour or art.

The class passes by fast and I am dreading next hour. It's not just that I don't have Chris or PJ in it it's also the fact that I hate English. I am awful at talking and I hate grammar so English class isn't really my forte.

After getting to class and sitting through it, I finally get to go to lunch. The only reason I like lunch is because I get to listen to music and sit outside.

When I'm at my locker I put my stuff from English class away and walk outside. The sky is full of sunshine and light clouds dance across the empty blue canvas. Many of my classmates stand around together talking among themselves. I pass them though, making sure not to make eye contact.

Every lunch I sit at a tree and listen to music . Sometimes I watch the people around me or take a nap. It usually depends on how I feel that day. Due to today's de-saturated feelings I decide to take a nap.

The sun shines on my black jeans, slightly warming them. I have to take my glasses off in order to be comfortable, but a good nap is worth the loss of eyesight for a bit. Laying on the grass, I feel my eyes get heaver and heaver as I fall into a light sleep. 

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