1 8 - E I G H T E E N - 1 8

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After getting to the nurses office Phil sets me down in the chair. He takes the seat next to me and I am confused as to why he doesn't leave. He was in a rush before, what changed?

"I thought you had stuff to do?" I question Phil with a slight tint of sarcasm in my voice. I turn to him and I realize he is flushed with embarrassment.

"Well...I uh, it's to late I might as well get out of class now." Phil tries to act like he doesn't want to be here while I go to grab my phone from my pocket. I slide it out and  reply to Phil.

"Well I'm probably going to have to go home. If your fine with leaving early, I can give you a ride home." I don't think Phil is willing to skip the majority of the day so I offer just to be kind.

Phil's POV

"Yes sure. I don't wanna walk home and my classes dont really matter anyway. " I say this and surprise myself with the words. 

Me? Skip class? Weird.

After speaking with the nurse, Dan stands and I rush to ensure he has my support. We assume our position, the same as our walk here, and go out the office door. It's a long walk to Dan's car, but we eventually make it. I open the door for him and he slides into the driver seat. After having his body close to mine for so long I suddenly feel cold. I rush to th passenger and hop in. Dan starts the engine and next thing I know I am on my way home.

"Thanks for helping me today. I don't know what I would have done without you." Speaking with his usual cheery tone, Dan smiles at me while we are stopped at a red light. 

I used to find this voice annoying, but now it has grown on me. The way he speaks makes his eyes light up, his smile lifting his sometimes dull expression. Even in the worst situation Dan is smiling. It's precious, really. A week ago I hated Dan, so what changed?

Maybe it was his tinder or the party, but whatever changed I am glad it happened.

"This is your house right?" Dans cheery voice makes me loose my original train of thought.

I lean into Dan to look out his window to verify, however a wave of dread washes over me when I see a car in the driveway.

Dan's POV

Phil sits there, leaning over me, with a look of pure dread painted on his face. I look at him, giving an awaiting look, wondering if he is going to respond. After a few moments of Phil being totally spaced out I decide to speak up.

"Phil? You ok?" I am timid when I ask, however I still use my upbeat voice. My voice snaps Phil out of his thought and he is glaring at me now instead.

"Can I go home with you? I don't know if your parents would be ok with it, but I don't really wanna go in there right now." Phil looks at me with puppy eyes that I cant say no to, even if I didn't want to say yes.

 I live on my own in an apartment that my parents pay for so I don't have an issue inviting people over. Its not like my mother and father like me though, they just wanted to make sure I didn't die after they kicked me out. I don't care that they did, due to the fact I like the privacy anyway. I was just mostly offended when they kicked me out the first time I brought a boy home.

"Yes sure! I live alone so it's not really an issue." I choose not to question Phil, as he seems upset now, instead try to cheer him up with my bright tone, "When we get to my house we can play games or something if you want! It will be fun. I promise." Phil gives me a small smile and I'm glad he is opening up to me more now.

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