12 - T W E L E V E - 12

36 7 0

Phils POV

   Dan slides his hand under the band of my underwear as he kisses the back of my neck. He stops for a second and pulls himself on top of me, holding my hands above my head. His lip then meet mine and for a few seconds the kiss is long and loving, but that doesn't last long as Dan tends to be impatient. The kiss gets rougher and I let out a small moan as Dan pulls my ebony hair. He takes it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He swirls it, pulling out only to dive back in a few moments later. We are entangled in a passionate, heated kiss and are both only wearing underwear. The black lace lays nicely against my thighs and I take a second to smile at the feel of it. 

   While kissing me, Dan starts to grind his hips against mine, syncing it with the rhythm of his lips. My body feels hot and sweaty desperate for more. I want to speak, but Dan doesn't let me, keeping my mouth occupied with his full control.

   "Phil" Dan moans my name, causing my face to feel even warmer than before.

   "Phil!" He starts to speak normally.

   "Phil!" Suddenly I'm laying down normally in bed and I feel someone shaking my shoulder. My underwear is wet due to the dream so I self consciously sit up quickly and pull the comforter over my half naked body.

   "G-good moaning! I-I m-mean, Good Morning D-Dan!" I stutter on almost all my words as I blush profusely. I am panting heavily, still dealing with the effects from the dream. I keep my head down, knowing that looking at him will only make it worse. 

  "Good morning to you too Mr. Bed Head" He says this while pointing to my crazy hair, but is a little confused at my embarrassment. He gets out of bed and my comforter falls off of him revealing his thin, slightly tanned body. His ass is cradled in his black lace underwear and his socks still cover most of his thighs. I blush even more as I take in his body, I was right, it only makes it worse.

   "So." He pauses, thinking of how to phrase his sentence. A slight awkward silence falls among us and I pull the comforter completely over me so Dan doesn't have time to see my scars or really any of my body.

"If I must ask, what happened last night?" Dan says this and turns around, pulling his over sized sweater onto himself. It looks longer now that it's not tucked into a skirt, the black material falling over himself, stopping right above his crotch. The sleeves cover his hands and he pulls one of them to his mouth in embarrassment.

What is he embarrassed about?

   I then realize I am staring and quickly turn my head, but continue to watch him from the corner of my eyes.  My cheeks flush under his gaze.

   "Oh, well um, You kinda got really drunk and a group of guys were trying to embarrass you. I eventually pulled you away and we were alone." I stop, I thinking of what happened. I can't tell him all of it, I would probably die if he knew.

   "And? Then what?" Dan questions as he sits down on the bed, his eyes filled with wonder as if I was reading a children's book. His face takes my breath away and every second that I don't reply I only get more sucked in. I don't know how long I stare for, but Dan speaks again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Come on it can't be that bad." He jokingly punches my shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. This makes me feel slightly better, knowing that he doesn't mind my wandering thoughts. He probably thinks I was drunk as well and am having a hard time remembering. Part of me wishes that was the case because then I wouldn't have to deal with the memory of his lips on mine.

   "Then I just pulled you into a taxi and, because you passed out, I couldn't ask were you lived so we just went back to my place. While I was, um, changing in the bathroom you must have taken most of your clothes off to get comfortable and fallen asleep on the bed. When I came back in, you were sound asleep in what you were in just now. I just crawled into bed and fell asleep too after that." I look back up at Dan and he seems slightly off put, as if this wasn't the story he was expecting.

   "Ok, well, thanks I guess." Dan says to me as stands up to leave. I grab his wrist and he lets out a slight noise. He stops dead in his tracks and the mood seems to shift. 

   "That's it? 'Thanks I guess'? I carried your ass out of an awful situation and all I get is a 'Thanks I guess'?!" Out of self-confusion and desperation I blurt out words without realizing the tone behind them. I regret them as soon as Dan's hand balls into a fist. Something snaps in him with the sudden challenge and he turns around and pins me to the bed. His head is just a few inches from mine and my legs are between his.

  "What do you want? Mhm? A favor? You didn't have to take me out of there, but you chose to. Stop being so god damn sensitive all the time." He cocks his head, looking down at me even more than before, however I don't really take in all of his words because of the his position. He springs off me just in time to avoid the awkward conversation about why I'm hard and walks out my bedroom door stealing a pair of joggers that were on the floor on his way out. 

God, why do I have to be so sensitive? He is probably pissed at me now. What have I done. Why am I like this?

Sensitive [Phan]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora