Ch. 17: Ultrasound

Start from the beginning

"I-Is it okay?" I stuttered, barely able to make my voice function. And watching Emanuel slowly sit down in front of me, grabbing my hand, didn't help on my anxiety level at all.


You're not pregnant! Maybe you never were? It was just a stomach flu, after all. Or maybe you were, but the fall made you... Maybe... Oh, no! Please say our little baby is alright!!

"Your baby is fine. And all the vital signs are good. He kept comparing you to a cow's cyclus, and the measurements of the... Uhm..."


"Yes. The measurements of the fetus, was compared to a pig, so it was a bit difficult... Anyway! When did you find out you were pregnant?"

"I... Uhm. Today, actually. Or... Maybe yesterday. That's when Joe said that..."

"Who's Joe?"

My brain was so filled with thoughts and emotions, that I almost pointed at Michaela, who was trying to make Ennio understand something about the way his sleeves were folded.

"Uhm... Just a man... Nevermind. So everything were fine? I'm really pregnant?"

Emanuel smiled and patted my knee.

"Yes, you are, and you're about nine weeks too!"

"NINE WEEKS?! T-that's over two months!"

My head was spinning around which one of Michael's personalities had been with me at the time, but I had absolutely no idea.

Michaela lost interest in trying to learn the old farmer about fashion, and came over to us.

"Aawe, look at you two bonding nicely," she said and winked awkwardly, hinting to Emanuel's hand on my knee. And Emanuel immediately removed it and jumped up, clearly embarrassed, and walked over to his father. Barely a minute after, the two of them left, leaving Michaela and me alone to talk.

"So, when are you gonna tell Daddy?"
She said the last word in a way that made me cringe.

"Michaela..." I sighed, bewildered of what to say or not.

"Diva," she corrected, and I rolled my eyes.

"What are you?"

She blinked a few times in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'what are you'?"

"I mean... Gender? Sexuality? Just... I need to know."

"Gee! Nosy much, are we?"
She squinted at me for a few seconds, but decided to answer.

"I don't know why this is of any importance to your pregnancy that is the main issue here, but I'll play nice. After all, I'm a lady, and ladies..."

I stopped her.

"So you consider yourself as a girl?"

"No." She frowned in disgust.

"No? A boy, then?"

"Neither! I'm a woman!"

I chewed on the insides of my cheeks, while my brain spun circles, trying to proceed our conversation.

"Okay... A woman. You... Are a woman. But have you ever..."

I had to look away from her, because the whole situation felt so insanely awkward, but managed to ask what I needed to know.

"...had sex?"

Michaela gasped dramatically, like I'd learned she always did, even just for small things.

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