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A/N: this is gonna be Camila's birthday chapter.

Several Months Later:

After the excitement of the holiday season stared winding down, life went back to normal.

Camila found that slowly she was missing Dinah less, and she began focusing more on continuing on with her life for the time being.

Time was flying fast enough as it was, and so slowly it eased the pain.

"Mija!" Sinu came bursting through her bedroom door. "Your birthday is today! Happy birthday!" she then ran over and hugged her daughter.

Camila smiled. "Thanks Mami."

Sofi then came running in too. "Yay! Happy birthday Kaki!" she also joined in on the small family hug.

Sinu then let go of Camila, and stood back up. "Invite whoever you want, tonight we'll have a little party, some cake, and we're going to celebrate."

"Okay! I'll go tell some of my friends right now." Camila replied, pulling her phone out.

She was going to invite Ally, Normani, Lauren, Dinah, Troy, and Shawn.


Camila laughed to herself a bit. Her first instinct was to ask Dinah to come, but she knew that would be impossible.

No matter, she figured. I just obviously can't invite her, that's all.

And so she went off sending invites to everyone else, awaiting for them to reply.

Her mom had gotten everything else prepared with Sofi, and they had told Camila to get out and do something in town for the day.

So she decided to go to the mall, and to her luck, Shawn, Ally, and Troy were there again.

Which... was pretty weird considering they were just there yesterday?

"Camila!" Ally ran over to her. She was literally right by the entrance of the mall when you enter the first set of doors.

Camila cocked an eyebrow. "Ally? Why are you guys here again? Not that I'm unhappy or anything." she laughed a bit.

Ally grinned. "Pfft, again? We've been here for like, a day straight."

"Uh, why?"

It was Shawn's turn to answer. "There was this like, super limited addition build a bear available to the first fifty customers this morning so we literally slept in the parking lot and went back in when the mall opened."

"And we all got one!" Troy butted in, holding up his build a bear bag.

Camila facepalmed herself. "You guys are insane." she mumbled.

"I think she's just jealous cause she didn't get one." Shawn suggested.

"Yep." Ally shook her head.

"Agreed." Troy added.

Camila smiled. "Why do I even try?" she sighed.

The Road Back Home - {Caminah} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now