Chapter 3

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My mind was racing with so many questions and all the information it was trying to process. 'Angels, wow, Real Angels!'

"I will take you to a room where you may feel more at ease," she said gently. "Please follow me."

Zanika moved away from my bed, allowing me the room to get up. Even though my body felt wonderful, my legs were still a little wobbly when I tried to stand. So, she patiently waited as my legs steadied. I looked up into her beautiful face, and she reached out a hand to me. I lifted my own hand, and as I went to place my hand on hers, I felt her shimmering aura connect with my skin.

The most amazing feeling traveled up my hand to my arm. It coursed through my body, and it was a feeling of utter peace and calmness. Zanika led the way out of the massive birthing room, through another exit and into another corridor like the one we'd passed through earlier.

There were smaller archways along the corridor, which I assumed were smaller rooms. Every archway had different symbols glowing in the soft light at the top. Every so often, another angel would pass us by, and as they crossed our path, they would slightly nod their head at Zanika and smile at me.

They were just like her, the females and males alike. All of them were emanating peace and calmness. I didn't feel unsafe or unwelcome in any way, and it was very reassuring. The tension in my body had begun to gradually melt away. Within minutes, Zanika stopped at one of the smaller decorative archways.

"This will be your room for now, if you would like to enter and make yourself comfortable. I will come back later," Zanika said.

She swept her hand towards the entrance, inviting me to go inside. Nervously, I entered the room. The light inside was a warm, soft glow, and the room was stunning. Thin silvery veils hung from the ceiling to the tops of the smooth white walls. The room was a circular shape with a round bed underneath a large round window. There was a hint of purple in the silvery bed coverings and the seating area to the right of the room. On the left side of the room was a smaller archway that led to a bathroom with the funkiest toilet, shower and sink I'd ever seen.

I quickly realized how desperate I was for a hot shower, but first I needed to look outside. After what Zanika had told me, I needed to see the outside world for myself.

My nervousness grew as I walked over to the large round window. I placed my hands on either side of the window frame and peered out, and I was astonished at what I saw. We appeared to be in seawater, and I couldn't tell whether we were in the middle of an ocean or on a coastline. As far as my eyes could see, there was choppy dark green and blue sea water.

The sky was cloudy with hues of pinks and reds, so it was either sunset or sunrise, but there was no way I could tell from the view I had.

In the far distance were what looked like futuristic looking oil rigs, but if the angels were trying to save Earth, I couldn't imagine them mining for oil. As I strained my eyes to make out the white round rigs, I spotted something moving underneath the rigs and also on one side. It looked like flowing water, but how could water be flowing upwards?

I'd already seen enough to assume that the angels were using the same powers or magic that they'd used to move me in my bed without touching it. 'This must be what Zanika was talking about when she said they were saving our planet.' I suddenly felt so tired which was ridiculous. I'd been sleeping for the last five years; so how on earth could I be tired?

Logic made me realize that it was probably the shock of everything that had happened so far. Waking up in confusion and panic, my discovery that angels are actually real and the shock of not only giving birth to a tiger cub but also learning that I'd given birth to other animals too. 'Yes, I seriously needed a shower and a good sleep!'

It didn't take me too long to figure out how to work everything in the small bathroom. The toilet, sink and shower all had the beautiful intricate symbols next to them, just like the ones on the archways but a smaller scale.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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