Chapter 2

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There were five of them, and they were beautiful. I couldn't tell if they were male or female as they weren't wearing any clothing, and they didn't seem to have physical body differences like ours, such as breasts or visible genitalia. They were what I can only describe as angelic looking aliens.

They glistened a mix of ice white and the most beautiful shade of blue and silver. I could barely make out facial features from the distance as they glided across the room. Two of them made their way in my direction, and I assumed my bed, considering it was my machine that was making the loud noises.

As they approached, I noticed what appeared to be long silvery blue hair, running down their backs to their legs. They both had the most stunning blue eyes. They looked like the eyes on peacock feathers, and they sparkled like polished sapphires. I was in total awe of their beauty, and I literally felt as if I were in the presence of angels. 'Was I religious?' I had no idea either way.

I didn't know where the other three went in the room, but the two who had reached my bedside were busy checking the futuristic looking machines, pressing buttons and discussing their findings I think. Even up close, I couldn't understand what they were saying; their language was nothing that I recognized. I tried to keep my breathing slow and at the same pace as the other women, keeping up my sleeping pretense.

As I lay there, being as still as humanly possible and watching the angel aliens, I heard another machine beginning to make the same noises as mine had. I wondered if the woman was awake and confused like me, or still sleeping peacefully.

The two angels at my bedside started to move the machines, and I could hear them unclip things. Then I could feel their alien hands touching and examining me, but their touch didn't feel like it should. It was feather light, and their gentle touch sent a feeling of calm throughout my body. Which was perfect timing, because I was beginning to feel another wave of sharp pain in my swollen stomach. However, the moment they touched me, it melted away, and I was so relieved. I don't think I would have been able to maintain my fake slumber if they hadn't.

I felt so confused, as I didn't know if I was in early labor and that's why I was getting pain, or if it was something else. My baby bump certainly didn't look big enough to be full term.

At the foot of my, bed they spoke to each other softly, and I was mesmerized by their sheer beauty and the graceful way they moved. They moved fluidly as if there was no gravity. Suddenly, my bed and the machines started to move on their own.

The alien angels were gliding in front of my bed with me gliding behind them, but there were no sounds of moving wheels or metal scraping on the floor. 'Were they using their minds?' I wasn't sure, but my bed and my body were now giving off the same shimmering glow of ice white.

As we left the cavernous room and all the sleeping pregnant women, I picked up on some sounds behind me. 'Maybe more machinery?' I wondered if another woman was following us with the other three alien angels. This would make sense after hearing another machine making the same noises as mine.

We entered a corridor, and I was really surprised just how pretty everything was. Not just the angels but even the corridor. Its surface looked so smooth, and it had its own kind of pearlescent sheen of ice white but with a hint of silver and purple.

It looked like the inside of a shell, mother of pearl or maybe the inside of an ice cave, but the corridor didn't feel cold at all. In fact, the temperature was perfect for me, and I wondered what the walls would feel like to the touch. I felt so at ease too. Which I thought so odd, considering I still didn't seem to have any memories of who or where I was and why this was all happening.

While we traveled down the long corridor, I could feel waves of pain coming and going, and every time a wave of pain began, one of the alien angels would touch my hand, making it ebb away. Not only was I extremely grateful not to be suffering, I was also relieved that it gave me the chance to keep pretending I was asleep.

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