Chapter 1

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We should have known someone or something would step in and save our planet. Who could blame anyone for trying to save the planet we'd been steadily destroying for centuries! Let's face it; we couldn't possibly be the only inhabitants of a planet in the whole universe. Especially when you consider how much evidence there was of ancient aliens and proof of UFOs being seen, not only recently, but in ancient historical records.

We had tried to change our ways; we really did. However, our farmers had already poisoned our soil with pesticides for decades; and purely for profit. Our oceans had been overfished by commercial fishing companies all over the world, and nearly all whales were already close to extinction. Our oceans were being constantly diluted and poisoned from oil and huge amounts of plastic, and it wasn't just all the oil rigs and tankers in our seas that were causing the pollution. It was also the amount of human waste that was being pumped into our waters.

Governments around the world tried to stop the ocean pollution from the big waste companies, but let's be honest, they couldn't be watched constantly. These companies would try and save or make their money any way they could. They didn't care what effect their actions had on our race or our planet; they only cared about their bottom line profits and their shareholders.

Society was just as much to blame, with our overuse of plastics and our throwaway culture. Plastic waste was constantly washing up onto shores all over the world, washing up on once beautiful beaches, as well as killing whales, turtles and other marine life.

We had destroyed so much land to build new towns and cities; as well as extending the current ones. There were so few forests and jungles left compared to centuries ago.

We were constantly destroying natural habitats, forcing animals to scavenge for food any way they could. More and more wild animals were having to make their way into the cities to try and find whatever food they could.

Then we had the audacity to complain about it!

We'd also become a throwaway race, and nothing was made to last any more, unlike when my grandparents were young. Only some of us tried to use vintage things from a better time, buying household items from antique shops and thrift stores.

Then out of the blue; everything began to change. All governments around the world suddenly started taking everything seriously for a change. Finally, they were prosecuting companies for not following their new strict guidelines for emissions and waste. They started taxing them heavily if they didn't use green energy. Some companies were even shut down when they didn't become environmentally friendly.

Soon, most companies and homes were powered by solar energy, wind turbines, hydropower, geothermal and bioenergy. Massive changes were happening at last, all over the world.

Money was no longer important or an issue for our world governments. They were practically giving away solar panels, wind turbines and hydropower units to anyone willing to use them.

Where once most people couldn't afford green energy, it was now easy and cheap to have a green energy efficient home thanks to government-sponsored commercials and programs. We were one of the first in our neighborhood to make the new changes, jumping at the chance to be green, and we were happy to do so.

The majority of us knew something big was going on. It was just so strange how governments and world leaders all started to take global warming so seriously. It was a total reversal of a global attitude.

Things began to change rapidly, with organic food being grown with natural peat moss and compost being sold in all food shops. Pesticides were being banned all over the world at long last. Action groups were popping up everywhere; actually supporting our governments, forcing companies to change to biodegradable everything. From all bottles being made from recycled glass to shopping bags and all paper being made of hemp.

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