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Melissa squealed as the incessant buzzing began. What a wimp. And to think, this was all her idea. I sat through 25 minutes of a needle pressing relentlessly in the sensitive skin of my forearm, just like her, without showing any emotion at all. It did hurt, but I wasn't a cry baby about it. I stared down at the white bandage, covering the beautiful art work that still ached.

I smiled to myself. I always wanted a matching tattoo with Mel. She never liked the idea of having something permanently marked into her skin. Yet here she is with me, getting her skin covered in ink, matching mine, in a little tattoo shop down the street from our apartment. Her apartment, I meant.

"Oh my God," Melissa grit out through clenched teeth. Her eyes squeezed shut as she winced in pain. With her free arm, she reached over to my lap and pinched at my knee. The artist sent the needle to a harsh curve to get the shape of the flower petal just right.

I sat daydreaming. Still not believing that Melissa did this with me. It meant more to me than she could ever know. With everything I had going on, it was easily one of the most beautiful gifts I've ever received.

"Alright, you're all finished," the guy holding the needle pointed out. I tilted my head, fully examining the tattoo on my sister's arm. Melissa peeled back the bandage that covered mine. Our eyes traveled from her arm to mine. Mine to hers in perfect unison. The crisp lines and patterns were merely identical. An alluring image of an elegant flower stemming from the word 'sister'.

"It's beautiful."


3:38 a.m.

We sat across from each other at our favorite diner. I'm pretty sure we're the only business this diner ever sees. No complaints here. I didn't mind the emptiness. Just Mel and me. Our friend Julio hooked us up with a discount meal tonight, I guess business isn't so bad after all.

"Dude, don't you have to see Susan today about the bridesmaid dresses?" I asked, checking the time. Her eyes quickly glanced at the clock on the wall above us. She shrugged, forking eggs in her mouth. "The wedding stuff can wait," she said with a mouth full.

"Charlie, I'm really sorry."

"What for?" I tried to avoid making eye contact.

"I feel bad for upsetting you."

"I'm not upset," I lied, whilst cutting into a thick stack of pancakes. My eyes still very much focused on the plate of food in front of me.

"You can stay with us for as long as you need. I just want you to promise me that you will find work." Her voice was soft. I could feel her eyes pressing into me. I refused to look at her 'til now. "I have a job."

She laughed condescendingly, "Where?"

"Club infinity. I'm a bartender. I start tomorrow tonight. Well, technically tonight." I studied her. Her body language was unclear. I couldn't tell if she was stuck in disbelief or if she was uncomfortable with the idea of me working as a bartender. I could tell she didn't agree with my place of work. But instead of letting me know, she just muffled an insincere, "congratulations."

"Thanks!" I exclaimed, pretending not to notice her insincerity. "It's a bit far, but I'll figure out my living situation soon enough."

She looked like she pitied me.

"Charlie, you don't have to move.." Her voice trailed off a bit. "I want you to stay."

"You're just saying that because you feel bad. It's really okay. I'll be okay." I said between sips of orange juice. "It's time I grow up." She stared, watching me eat the food scattered all across the plate. An awkward silence had fallen between us. Then, her phone brightened up. "What's that?" I asked.

"It's a reminder to go see Susan about the bridesmaid dresses," she giggled as she cleared the alert from her phone. She's so cute. Her bright smile slowly faded. "Oh, there's something I have to tell you." She seemed a bit nervous. "I invited someone to the wedding.."

I laughed at how awkward she was. I knew she was going to tell me how she invited Harry to the wedding without my knowledge. But I played along because I like making people feel uncomfortable. What? It's fun. "You invited someone to the wedding?" I laughed again.

"Yeah, I invited H-H-Har—" She began, I cut her off before she could finish.

"You invited Harry. I kinda figured." I put a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth, while rolling my eyes. "I woke up in his bed yesterday." Her mouth hung wide open. "Oh my God. You slut! Tell me everything."

Her excitement tickled me. "There isn't much to tell. I left your place, and I went down to seventh street and took some shots. I don't remember anything after that." Her piercing blue eyes squinted and she crossed her arms. Elbows softly hitting the table. "I'm being serious! I don't remember what happened. He said that nothing happened..." I paused. "I mean, I did wake up with my shirt and pants across the floor." She raised her brows.

"Ew, gross." She shut her eyes, shaking her head profusely as if the sheer thought of Harry and I hooking up is the most disgusting thing she's ever heard.

"Don't be so dramatic," I chuckled forking some eggs off of her plate. "When's the last time you and Jared..?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"It's been like six months, Charlie. I'm dying." Her anguished facial features told me she desperately needed to take a ride on little Jared. Ha! I'm so funny. "Well, you only have to wait four more days," I admitted, not realizing that I unintentionally said it like it was a bad thing. Don't get me wrong. Jared is a great guy and he makes Mel so undeniably happy but four days..? FOUR DAYS. It's just so soon. Four days and I would be completely alone, forever.

Ughh. This isn't about me. I'm sorry.

She reached across the table and touched the fragile skin of my forearm. The reminder that she would always be my sister and we would always have each other. No matter what.

"Just four more days until you're in the maldives getting your back blown out." She gave me a faint smile. I tried my best to sound enthusiastic. I was really happy for her. Genuinely. I couldn't help but to question what the hell I was doing with my life.


Author's Note: Thank you so so so so much for reading! Honestly, it means the world to me. I'll post the next chapter once we reach 500 reads! If you really like the story, SHARE IT! Much love, Ari x

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