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I was buzzed. I'm lying. I was flat out drunk. Vision blurred. Words slurred. Room spinning. The desperate urge for more clouded my every thought. A warm feeling took over my body. Everything was at ease. My body craved alcohol. I'd feel on top of the world, when I consumed it, like there was nothing that I couldn't do.

I know what you're thinking, don't judge me. I know I have serious issues.

Alcohol made life simple and bearable for me.... at least for the moment. When the feeling passed, my demons crept back in and my mind would suddenly become the devil's playground again.

No matter how I felt, whether I felt on top of the world or like the world was on top of me, I needed self control. I needed to know when enough is enough. Last time I was blacked out drunk, I woke up to Harry the very next morning. There's no telling who I'd wake up to tomorrow, if I continued to drink. I couldn't keep letting that happen.

"Ariana?" I said, my face plummeted on the granite counter top, my hair spread all across. "I need to call my sister. I need to go home."

My indistinct eyesight made it nearly impossible to recognize her facial features. Her tone of voice remained soft and delicate, "I'm sorry, Charlotte. I don't have a phone." She paused. "There's a phone in Brian's office but we're not allowed in."

"Oh, nooo."

I heard a light chuckle. "I get off in about ten minutes. Do you think you can hang tight 'til then and I'll take you home?"

I smiled wide, confirming that I was fine with that plan.

"In that case, I'll have a few more drinks," I whispered quietly amongst myself.

Although, I planned to drink more. Ariana didn't allow me anymore. She made me sit quietly in my seat until another girl came in and replaced her. I watched as Ariana ended her shift, gathered her belongings and helped me to my feet. The stinging sensation in my feet was a reminder of all the walking I had done earlier in the day.

Her car was small, only enough to fit the driver and one passenger. It smelled good. Like lavender. I like lavender.

Ariana put the key in the ignition and turned the heat on a low setting before saying "Okay, where do you live?" and pulling smoothly out of a parking stall. I put my seat all the way back, just as the slight pounding in my head began. "1218 Susquehanna Ave," I answered, shutting my eyes for a split second. It was quiet for a long while. I re-opened my eyes to see Ariana's mouth hung open in an 'o' shape.

"That's about an hour drive."

"Well, it took me hoursss to walk here," I spoke, making sure the 's' in 'hours' was prominent to insure that she knew the walk was long and tiresome. "You're probably wondering why I walked so far, aren't ya?" I assumed. Ariana's attention was adamantly focused on driving. She was quiet waiting for me to continue with the story, I think. Maybe not, but I continued with my story anyway. "My sister kicked me out of her apartment because she's getting married and she doesn't want me to be apart of her life anymore."

Of course Mel didn't actually say that, but thats how I perceived it. Ariana's expression never changed once. I didn't know if she was listening or not, but that didn't stop me from continuing my rant.

"It all started when my best friend left me. He stopped talking to me for no reason at all." I was convinced that Ariana wasn't listening at all. "We had sex and he never told me what I did or why he couldn't be my friend anymore."

It was at that exact moment that I learned why everyone thinks I am a joke. I am a fucking joke. I'm sitting here spilling my guts to a girl I just met at a bar, and here I am trusting her to take me home, while she thinks I'm intoxicated. She could be kidnapping me but I'm too weak to care right now.

"Now he's dating Taylor Swift or something." I paused, really trying to think. "Wait, no I think it's Kim Kardashian's little sister. One of the two, I'm not really sure."

Her gaze finally fell upon me but it wasn't long before her eyes darted back over to the light traffic in front of us. "Wait." Her left hand fell upon her open mouth. "Are you talking about H-harry Styles?" Her eyes lit up, like a kid's on Christmas. "Harry Styles is your friend?!" I stared at her waiting for her to squeal and fangirl like any sane girl would, and I was utterly surprised when she didn't.

I sat up and peered through the window, noticing the familiar scenery. I felt kinda relieved that I didn't have to dig any deeper into my past than I already have. I was ashamed of my past. My skin crawls, just thinking about some of the things that I've done.

"Thank you Ariana. I really do appreciate it."

She smiled, "do you need any help getting to your apartment?"

At that point, I had already began the course of sobering up. My vision was almost completely restored, my thought process pretty much the same as always.

"No, I think I've got it. Thanks again."

"See you at work tomorrow."

I smiled and began my quick walk to the apartment, feet still aching. I turned back to check for Melissa's car just to insure that she was home, when I saw Ariana still parked patiently waiting for me to get in safe. I waved at her one last time before going in.

As I approached the door step, I grew more and more anxious. I opened the front door slowly trying to prepare for the lectures, the screaming, whatever.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. This chapter isn't super long and there isn't much happening but thank you for your patience. I've been super busy with work and I haven't had the time to write. The next time I update, it will be a double update! Thanks again for reading let me know what you all think. 😘

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