drunken stupor.

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The treacherous events that led up to my drunken stupor sent a wild trail of goosebumps up and down my fragile body; as I turned uncomfortably in a warm cushiony bed that didn't feel familiar to me. The miniature earthquake in my head and the nausea were reminders that last night probably shouldn't have happened. Well whatever happened should not have happened. As of last night I was homeless and fighting with my sister so how did I end up in a bed as comfy as this one?

"Look who's finally awake," Harry spoke. It took 30 seconds to figure out who the shirtless boy in front of me was. He stood at the foot of the bed wearing a dimpled smirk. I immediately spotted a pile of clothing in the corner belonging to me. His smile soon faded as I did not reciprocate.

"H-Harry how did I end up here with you?" My mouth struggled to say. "Please tell me that we didn't.." His cheeky smile lit up his face again, green eyes sparkling at me as he welcomed himself to a spot next to me on the bed. His wonderful scent filled my senses and it drove me insane as I sat in front of him, half naked.

"We didn't sleep together Charlie," he chuckled.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I hung my head in my hands thanking the heavens I didn't make the colossal mistake of sleeping with Harry. It's bad enough I made that mistake once before. I raised my head. More burning questions arising in me.

"How did I end up here with you?"

Fingers pushed the duvet from covering me so my feet could carry me to my pile of clothes in the corner. Harry leaned back on his elbow, his gaze taking in my exposed skin. The same stupid grin plastered to his face.

I frowned as my hands caught hold of my favorite pair of light blue, distressed denim trousers.

"I was having dinner with some friends when I saw you by the bar." His eyes finally meeting mine again. "You were already drunk off your ass, muttering something about Mellie's wedding and how lonely you are," he let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head causing his luscious hair to cover his face. His hands quickly tossed the hair back atop his head.

His nickname for Melissa sent me into a dark place. I was always jealous of their relationship. Although Harry and I were best friends it seemed to me that they had a special kind of relationship. They knew things about each other that I didn't and it ate me up. While my feelings for him got deeper, he seemingly developed feelings for my sister. It drove me insane for so long and clearly still does.

"It's not funny." I now had one arm through one short sleeve of my crisp white shirt. I wanted to tell him everything that has happened to me since he left but I honestly don't think I owed him that because afterall, he is nothing to me. "Anyways, thanks for taking care of me. You didn't have to, but I appreciate it." My lips curved into a quick, insincere smile as I made my way to the door.

"Charlie!" Harry called. His hand pressed firm against the door before I could even open it. My body froze. He was so close. His hands were at my waist twisting me around so my back was against the door. "I'm sorry." His words were soft like a whisper. His pink lips were just a few inches away from mine. He wanted to kiss me and I wanted to kiss him but this was just a game to him. Things between us were far too complicated. We were best friends. Then, we got older and hormones began to kick in. My feelings for him developed and that's where I seriously fucked up because Harry's been toying with me ever since. My hand fell upon his chest, pushing him slightly just so he wasn't standing so close.

He loved to mess around with me, so I was gonna have some fun too.

"My boyfriend is big and jealous," I said grinning from ear to ear. "I wouldn't want to have to tell him about you." His whole demeanor changed from a playful expression to a serious one in a matter of seconds. He didn't like to be played with. The only issue is, I'm not really playing.

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