Did the Crew guy just say.. maiming?

"Whoa, we're up to that?" Jax says in surprise. "Frick yeah, time travel can wait! Ah, okay, wait. Real quick. There's still one more piece to this puzzle."

"The paradox question." Carolina prompts.

Para- what?

"Right. So far, all the time traveling can be explained away by a really weird closed loop." Jax begins. "No one's done anything that would prevent them from traveling in time in the first place. If you do that, let me know what happens! If there's still a me. And there's still a happens.

"Speaking of closed loops--my migraine has a migraine." Wash announces. "I'll, um- I'll see you guys later. Gonna grab some shuteye."

Wash walks out of the office and notices me. "I thought you said that you weren't gonna come." He says.

"Well when you have a whiny older brother that is worried about his girlfriend and asks his little sister to check up on her because he is paranoid of losing her again, there really isn't much to argue with." I replied.

Wash chuckles. "That sounds like York alright."

"Mind if I join you on the quest for peace and quiet? I think I may need a bit myself.." I ask.

"I was hoping you'd ask."

I smiled slightly as we walked side by side as we looked for a place to chill and for Wash to take a nap.

"How you feeling?" I ask softly. I can tell the trip has taken a toll on Wash physically and mentally.

"I'm fine." He says but by the way he said it, I knew better.

He wasn't.

I sigh, deciding not to press since he's already having a bad day. He deserves better than this and I feel like a lousy girlfriend for not going with him and staying by his side to help him get through this.

"Ah, there you are! Follow me, please. You’re late for your big moment!"

We shift our attention to the random crew member in front of us all of a sudden.

"Big.. moment?" I ask with a hint of fear. If it's that one moment I'm thinking of..

"Yes! Now please, come with me." He says, beaconing for Wash to follow him.

Wash and I follow the crew member silently to the set of a hangar..

A hanger that I never wanted to set my foot in ever again.

Wash sees someone in identical armor to his own near the Pelican prop and walks over to him. I have no idea what they are saying or doing. All I know is that I want to throw up.

"Clear the set!" Jax orders. "Places, everyone!"

Wash moves off to the side and stands by me. He takes one good look at me and asks, "Are you ok? You seem spooked."

"That's.. one way to put it." I answered as I watch Jax coach the actor for the scene.

Wash looked like he wanted to say something but was interrupted by Jax saying "Action!" really loudly.

A "shot" rang out through the set, making me jump, and the Wash Actor collapses dramatically to the floor with blood dripping from his neck.

"Cut!" Jax yelled, clearly not impressed with the take. "What is this, a freakin’ Disney movie? I said I wanted blood! Give me blood! Action!"

The Actor repeat the scene, but this time with more blood. I can't help but gag and turn away from the scene. I take off my helemt because I'm definitely on the verge of throwing up and I don't plan on doing it on the inside of my helmet.

"What was that, a fuckin’ paper cut? Come on." I heard Jax yell again. "Action!"

They keep redoing the scene and I don't understand how Wash can just stare at his near death experience over and over and over again.

It amazes and scares me.


"Wash. You okay?" I hear Carolina ask.

"Yeah, I’m--I’m--I’m fine." He pauses. "I’d be more fine if people gave me some space."

I hear his footsteps fade as he walks off the set. Carolina silently curses under her breath and Jax continues on with the scene.


Something inside me snap and I whip out my Sniper, aiming it at the person shooting the "shots". But before I could pull the trigger, someone forces my gun down. I look up with fury in my eyes only to come face-to-face with Carolina.

"It's not the person who shot Wash." She glances over at the Crew member, obeying Jax's orders as they retake the scene again. I shakes my head and lower my Sniper completely.

"I think you should get some air." She says gently.


"I'll come with you outside. There's some things you need to know about the Reds and Blues."

I just nod and walked off the set with Carolina not to far behind. I nearly killed an innocent man for something in the past and now I'll be heard about all the shenanigans the Reds and Blues are doing that deals with time travel and paradoxes.

Thanks a lot York.

Agent Alaska: The Coming War (Red vs Blue)Where stories live. Discover now