Part 5: It's Happening

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  "Mike!" I jerked my head out of my thoughts as I rushed thorough the hallway

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  "Mike!" I jerked my head out of my thoughts as I rushed thorough the hallway. I looked to find the source of the noise and felt betrayed by the sense of relief when I saw Wes unharmed. I almost wished to be so petty that I wanted him hurt, or didn't care one way or another. Instead I felt glad that my long time dorm mate was safe. "What's going on?"  

"What do you think?" I asked, my voice mostly free from malice

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"What do you think?" I asked, my voice mostly free from malice. I kept walking, and, catching on quickly, Wes walked with me. Concern radiated off of him and I could tell I'd irritated him by refusing to give him a straight answer. 

"Seriously," Wes said. He didn't think twice before following me into Lore where, thankfully, Hank was. 

"We're revolting, Wes," I said. 

Wes looked shocked but quickly composed himself. "Uh, okay, yeah, what can I do?"

"Keep an eye out for teachers, and give me a minute." I dismissed him quickly and set the laptop down on the bar next to Hank. 

"I s'pose 'Lenia did th' fire?" Hank asked, his accent grating against my ears. I ignored the immediate aggravation that he used a nickname for Alenia. 

"Yes," I said. Now wasn't the time to let jealousy get the best of me. "Christine is getting everyone to their rooms, can you activate the runes?"

"Already workin' on it," Hank said. I noticed then that he was in the process of carving an intricate rune on the bar. Christine had been right, Alenia and her friends always were. 

I left him to his devices, getting on Alenia's laptop and calling my parents. My mother answered, looking weary and tired. "Why're you calling so late-" She paused to yawn.

"Mom, you and dad need to get out of the UHA as soon as you can. Leave now," I didn't give her a chance to speak. This was urgent. 

"What are you talking about?" She said, but I could tell she was piecing it together. She and my father knew about the prophecy, and they didn't know it was fake. That was an update for another time. I didn't look forward to telling them that my involvement in the war, and with Alenia, was now optional.

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