Part 2: Testosterone

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"She's not," Michael said, stepping out of their dorm and glaring at Wes

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"She's not," Michael said, stepping out of their dorm and glaring at Wes.

"What the fuck was that?" Wes slammed the door shut when he walked into our dorm, his anger controlling his actions

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"What the fuck was that?" Wes slammed the door shut when he walked into our dorm, his anger controlling his actions. The rush of fury would have been a shock if I hadn't been one stop ahead of him. Tom stood behind him, silently picking a side.

"She just wanted to talk," I replied, carefully forcing myself to be calm. I couldn't lose my cool, not now. Alenia didn't need me making things worse.

"Bullshit," Wes snapped. "I know what Alenia does in private-"

"-Let's get one thing clear," I snapped, walking towards him as I spoke. My emotions rolled off of me, how dare he insult her after what she was going through. What we were going through. "You don't know shit about Alenia."

"What- and you do?" Wes started off surprised by my emotions, not used to me losing control, but he quickly recovered himself. "I've been friends with her since we were kids, you barely know her!"

"Clearly, that's why she came to me," I glared. A tiny voice reminded me that I needed to regain control. I ignored it, too far gone.


"-Stop!" Tom snapped, interrupting Wes. "What is going on, Mike? You've been off kilter all year and now you're fucking Alenia? Come on man, she's Wes' ex."

She's the mother of my children. I forced myself to calm down before sharing something I couldn't, before my emotions poisoned the whole school.

"I'm not having sex with her," I said, my anger tightly restrained but fighting. As if Alenia were simply Wes' ex. "We have done nothing."

"But you want to, huh?" Wes' words were intended to incite my anger. They worked.

"Fuck yeah, I do," I said, "And I'll tell you something else, I will." The certainty I spoke with surprised Wes and Tom, both of them were taken aback. "Because I don't treat her like you did."

"You have no idea what you're talking about." Wes snapped.

"No, I really do," I said. "You treated her like shit- you shouldn't look down on someone you love, you should respect them, admire them."

"You love Alenia?" Tom asked, surprising me. I hadn't realized I'd said that.

"I didn't treat her poorly- I dumped her because she hurt you!" Tom's words went over Wes' head entirely. I was glad and hoped Tom would drop it.

"I never told you to do that," I said. In fact, when he'd done it I'd been upset. "Did you even listen to her side of the story? Or were you just so afraid that your docile little domestic dragon wasn't going to be someone you could control?"

"She brutally attacked you!" Wes argued, unwilling to admit that he'd done just that.

"I don't blame her," I replied. "If you knew her like I do-"

"-I know her better than you," Wes snapped, not liking that I was undermining him.

"What, because you make her so uncomfortable she sets things on fire?" I scoffed.

I don't know what Wes had planned to do but Tom stopped him, literally getting in between the two of us. "Stop it, both of you." We did nothing but glare in response. He might have stopped our argument, but it was far from over. Alenia knew the prophecy now, was preparing for it, and as judgment day grew closer so would we. Wes was going to have to let go of Alenia, and he wasn't going to do that without a fight.

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