Part 4: Artwork

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Jamie's words echoed repeatedly in my mind

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Jamie's words echoed repeatedly in my mind. I needed to focus, we were nearly at Katie's office, but I couldn't.

I can feel it radiating off of you, one day it was like a switch flipped and now we all see it. Even the stronger magic users can- you're our leader. You're the Jones that is going to restore the dragon people.

Starting a war was one thing. Tearing apart an oppressive government was easy in comparison to restoring a species of people. Breaking is much easier than bending, than creating.

"Alenia," Michael said softly. I jerked my eyes towards him, no longer robotically following his steps through the school. "This isn't the scary part."

I laughed, "Yeah, you're right." I took a deep breath and steadied myself. "I guess I'm still freaked out from talking to Jamie. Let's do this."

He nodded and I remembered that I wasn't the only one who was nervous. We walked in and went directly to Katie's office. She looked up in surprise.

"Hi you two, what's up?" She grinned mischievously. "Finally admitted your love for one another."

Michael rolled his eyes and spoke with a sarcastic tone that would impress Christine. "Yes, and we came to you immediately."

"That's- we're not-" I tried to ignore the blush that quickly overtook my expression. We were friends, not- I didn't want to kiss him or anything. I loved him like a friend, it wasn't, like, romantic or anything. I mean, I wasn't going to date anyone else, but-

"You're spiraling, Alenia," Katie said with a laugh. I didn't have to look to see a happy smirk on Michael's handsome face. "What do you guys want, then, if not to announce your undying love for one another?"

"We're going to use family visitation day next month to break free." Michael said.

"We need Lore to defend the kids," I said. "Well handle the breaking free and I fall goes well then we'll use my connection to the Jones family to get everyone out of the country ASAP."

Katie looked shocked, and for a moment she said nothing. That was the first time it occurred to me that she might say no, that all of our plans could be stopped right then and there by her.

"So... Lore wouldn't be directly attacking anyone?" She asked. Recognizing the confused look on my face she rushed to explain. "There is a Lore chapter in ever school, if we riot here then the members of the other chapters are at risk."

"The idea is that Lore will be solely responsible for protecting kids," Michael said.

"So you're starting war?" Katie asked. She sounded afraid and upset. "I don't think that's what the prophecy meant."

"I don't give a damn," Michael said and I couldn't help but feel as if he had read my mind.

"And you're going to do it without Lore?" She scoffed, "you two only have four more years. Just tough it out-"

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