"Only that she needed me to come help her with Bickslow. Apparently he was attacked by some big monster."

"Um, yes", Freed nodded and he felt so much quilt it was hurting. "We just hope the situation is not as bad as we fear."

"It's not, Wendy said his life is not in danger", Porlyusica said and they all looked at her, eyes widened and relieved. "But we have to do our best so we can keep the damages as minimum as possible. It might take time so go rest, I can see you two are ready to collapse at any minute", she just said and opened the door to the infirmary.

Freed and Ever both sighed with relief. Bickslow would survive!

"I wonder what damages she meant", Ever said as they stepped on the stairway. "I hope it's not something serious..."

"We can do nothing more right now, we have to leave Bickslow to Wendy and Porlyusica", Freed said. "If you want, I can stay here and wait for the news, you can go home with Elfman and sleep", he promised.

"No, you need some rest too", Ever said. "I can stay."

"You know, what if I stay?" Elfman interrupted. "You guys go home and sleep, I will stay and wait what will happen and come tell you guys immediately when I hear something."

"Would you do that, dear?" Ever smiled.

"Of course, real men do whatever they can to help!" Elfman laughed flexing.

"We are grateful of your help, Elfman", Freed chuckled.

They were halfway through the Guild Hall when doors opened. Cana stepped in looking worried and surprisingly sober. She hurried towards them when she saw them.

"Where is he?" she quickly asked from them. "Is he okay? I just heard that Bicks was brought here with injuries."

"Yes, but he will survive", Freed reassured. "Porlyusica and Wendy are both there."

"Both? Why both?" Cana asked. "Is it really serious?"

"We... Don't know yet", Ever sighed looking at the ground. "We only know that he will survive."

"What kind of damages he had?"

"He was hit in the head and torso", Freed said and Cana's eyes widened with fear.

"So it might be something really serious?" she whispered.

"It is always possible", Freed nodded. "But Wendy and Porlyusica will do their best so the damage is kept in minimum. They are the best healers we know, Bickslow will be alright."

"What on earth happened?" Cana demanded to know. "How did he get injuries like that?"

Ever looked at Freed who said nothing. The rune mage had yet said nothing to her either of what had happened.

"It was my fault", Freed finally mumbled. "I was careless and he had to pay for it."

"I'm sure it's not like that", Ever said.

"It is exactly as I said it. Bickslow had to save me and that's why he is now lying there on the infirmary's bed. I'm so sorry, Cana", Freed said looking at the dark haired woman.

He didn't even try to dodge or move away when he saw what was coming. He deserved it. He just took the hit and gritted his teeth as he broke the table when falling. His back was still aching from the hit on the tree in the forest and this was not helping it. But he deserved it.

"Aren't you supposed to be the fucking captain?!" Cana yelled furiously. "How could you let things go like this?!"

"I know, I let him down", Freed said wiping some blood from his chin. "I failed to keep him safe."

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