18 | prove.

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: to show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using evidence, logic, etc.
: to show that (someone or something) has a particular quality, ability, etc.


Yoongi's POV

We attended classes today and the time went by so quickly. We're on a break today with acting, so Jeongguk and I agreed to practice piano because the recital comes in 2 days. We are almost finished in perfecting the piece that we are going to play, so our performance doesn't worry me at all.

I'm still thinking of the 'thing' that taehyung did to me last night.

'Does Taehyung love me?' I asked to myself.

My thoughts got interrupted when Jeongguk showed up infront of me. He was blooming and he looked like a cute bunny smiling at me.

"Hey cutie" I winked at the younger.

"Hi hyung! Ready for practice?" He asked cheerfully. He looked excited and alive.

'Does he like piano now? With me?' I smiled to myself.


Jeongguk and I were walking towards my house.

Jeongguk looked nervous and he seemed like he wants to say something to me so I said,

"Do you want to tell me something ggukie?" I asked. He nodded shyly and hesitated...

"Hyung...... have you.... been in love before?"
Jeongguk asked and turned his head to look at my eyes.

I stopped walking for a moment and then continued when I answered,

"Yes, I have."

"What did it felt like when you knew that you fell in love with that person?"

"Uhm... I'm not quite sure. But I remembered that when I saw her, the 'real' her, my world just colored itself and all I could see is her. When I knew that I've fallen for her, I can feel that the stars are twinkling at me. I know that it's cheesy and all, but I guess I just cannot describe it in words. It was so beautiful that it made me hold on to her for so long."

"What happened to your relationship hyung?"

"We always tried to avoid the time that we will just 'get sick of each other and just give up on our relationship'. We always did. But, with us being scared of letting go, we ended up ruining ourselves and also end up not being happy after all." I sighed.

Jeongguk patted me in the back and showed me a reassuring smile

"That seems to hurt you too aswell. I know what you feel hyung. I always thought that Taehyung never really loved me, and that I could change that by trying harder and be the guy that he wants, but I was never enough."

"Hey, don't say that" I rubbed his back.

"I just wanted someone to love me for who I am and love me without any hesitations, but I guess, no one will treat me like that." He sniffed and started to cry.

I hugged him and held his face to dry his tears.

"Hey don't cry okay? Don't worry, hyung is here for you and he will love you with all his heart, okay?"

He looked at me and hugged me tighter. He buried his face to my chest and cried. We just stayed like that for a while.

He stopped crying and wiped his face. He smiled at me and said,

"You're so cheesy hyung," he slapped my chest. "... but.. Thank you. for being here. I really needed you, and I shoul-"

"Shhh. Just forget everything at this moment alright?" I tried to stop him from crying again and he nodded.

We continued walking on the sidewalks.

"Hyung, I hope that this deal will be worth it. I just-I just think that getting taehyung back can heal me and that I can prove myself to him that I am worth to be loved."

"Don't worry, he will realize it soon." I reassured him and patted his back. He became hyper again and playfully hit my back.

"I also did not expect you to be straight hyung. Are you gay now because of our deal?" He laughed at me

"Honestly, I r-really don't know ggukie"

He started laughing at me until it rained like 'so hard'.

He stopped laughing and held my wrists to 'run for it' and to finally get to my house.

We smiled while running though, we felt that the rain touching our skins was supposed to be caressing our souls and to wash our painful tears away. It was weird, but It felt like we needed that embrace from the universe.

We finally arrived at my house and panted for a few seconds. We both grinned at each other and laughed like the rain didn't even affected us. We went inside and I gave him a towel and a new pair of clothes. He thanked me and changed his clothes with the new ones.

We started practicing the piano afterwards.


Jeongguk's POV

Yoongi hyung and I finished practicing the piano. I hugged him and said goodbye.

We are definitely a good match when it comes to playing piano, and I think that Yoongi hyung is a very important person in my life. Whenever I am with him, I feel safe and protected. He is so careful with me when we are alone. And I appreciate that.

'Maybe Yoongi hyung isn't that bad after all'.


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